However last night I was majorly freaking out feeling a little overwhelmed and stressed.  Not trying to Whine, of course. The fact that I had sat at my computer chair for over 16 hours yesterday wasn’t helping.  Not exaggerating on that one. I looked in the fridge

And didn’t think I was going to dip into any Hpnotiq or Bailey’s.  Although a Buttery Nipple is always fun.

And I did actually want to dip into the Veuve.  But I didn’t need a whole bottle for myself.  Well, maybe that would have been ok.

Or this is really amazing rose champagne.  Much better than the last time I drank champagne in Aruba.  Or tried to. That champagne ended up down the kitchen sink.  I would never waste a drop of the Nicolas.

But I settled on something I found that’s ancient that was taking up space in the fridge. And it hit the spot. From my last post about the Biggie Microwave Banana Oat Cake, glad you liked it.  If you need a way to use up your extra bananas, check out this post.

And thanks for filling me in on everything from picture uploading details to whether or not you can save half for later.  Most of you aren’t good savers.  Shocking. A couple housekeeping details are that many of the links in the Recipes Tab are working.  I’d say about 80% are right and the rest of them are being worked on and everything will be back to normal with correct pathways, soon. Also, if you commented on my previous two posts…

Biggie Microwave Banana Oat Cakes I Made the Move!

…And your comment disappeared from my site, I know. In getting the recipe links restored and corrected, some of the comments were lost but are being put back on. And if for some reason you are reading this from your Google Reader and can’t access my site.  That’s your server not updating.  Nothing you can do other than be patient and it will self-correct in a day or so. Dessert: Raw Vegan Chocolate Chocolate-Chip Cookies After a day or two like mine, chocolate + more chocolate = perfect.  You can also bake these in the oven.  Or just eat the raw dough.  Not a bad idea.  And safe because they’re vegan and GF.   Raw Vegan Chocolate Chocolate-Chip Cookies Questions:

  1. Did you get a workout in today? Dear Lord, I needed a workout like never before.  Stress, stress, stress from this bloggie stuff. And am glad I rocked a 20-minute at-home workout and a run in the 65F weather!

  2. Favorite Wine? Or champagne, or green juice, or tea.  I just did a post on some of my favorite coffees. What’s a favorite wine beverage of yours?

  3. Favorite Whine? Anything you want to whine about or your favorite and/or recurring whine? I like to whine about: My blog migration Not having enough time in the day to get everything done I won’t say the weather because it’s nearly perfect in San Diego, but I know lots of you like to whine about winter weather Money woes.  We all whine about that, right? Not getting enough sleep What are some of your whines? All in all, I am a really upbeat person but it’s fun to just let your whines out, right! See you later gang!  

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