That’s right. Best muffins ever. comment icon 67 more comments This is like combining everything I’ve ever loved in a muffin and baking it to fluffy, moist, streusely perfection: peanut butter, banana, cinnamon, and chocolate chips. And whole wheat flour, although that’s not exactly the sort of thing you’ve loved forever. It’s more of the sneak it into your food and feel better about eating thirteen peanut butter muffins for breakfast kind of thing. I originally made these because I wanted to eat something healthy. But that’s a lie. I actually wanted to bake for my mom, because she’s visiting me this week in the Philippines and staying at our apartment, which is probably the highlight of my life. Thanks for coming, Mom! If we’re being honest, our apartment is not a very homey place for visitors. I mean, she’s sleeping on a hand-me-down futon with a random assortment of sheets and blankets and a herd of wild barking dogs right outside the window. She also found a cockroach in her HAIR, which did not happen at our apartment because we have at least three million roach poison contraptions sitting around (obsessed much?), but still. The Philippines can be an overwhelming place for a visitor and if there was ever a cure for overwhelmedness, it’s heavenly chococolate chip muffins laced with peanut butter and banana. I should know. So these muffins. I first made them without the banana and peanut butter. They weren’t melt-in-your-mouth-died-and-went-to-heaven amazing. They were average. I felt a little sad. BUT then I bought a kilo of bananas from the fruit stand lady on my street. PS. Does anyone else get completely discombobulated when ordering in kilos? Every time I order something, I have to stop and think about how much I’m really getting, but my mental conversion calculator seems to be broken because I always end up with WAY more than I need. Confused Westerner. Armed with my super sweet Filipino bananas and a jar of creamy peanut butter, I took to the muffins a second time and things went wayyyy better. They were probably the best muffins I’ve made in my whole life, which I actually always say every time I find a new muffin recipe that gives me these warm fuzzy feelings, but they really were THEE best. They were super moist from the banana and peanut butter, crumbly from the streusel, light and fluffy even with the whole wheat flour, and those melted chocolate chips? I die. And then I die all over again. The other best news ever is that our neighbors had a baby! Their brand new baby girl came home this last week and the grandmother brought her over so we could meet her. What a sweet pea! We love you, Baby M. I gave them some of my three hundred muffins and I’m hoping that they find a way to get some of that streusel into Baby Girl’s mouth. I can tell she really wants some. What they don’t tell you about food blogging: that your spouse will become a hand model. Thanks love. Maybe these will convince my mom to extend her visit until forever. 4 from 4 reviews