And make your house smell delicious.
I made something along the lines of these. I better take pictures of the new goodies before the family eats I eat them all.
Weekends are the best time to stop and smell the roses. Or the yellow calla lillies.
Weekend mornings are made for nice long walks and catching up with my husband. I can talk his ear off for 5 miles while he nods and says yes, dear. Five miles later, I came up for air. That expression, I’m at a loss for words. That’s never happened to me.
They’re also the best time to read cookooks as if they are novels. In bed, starting from the beginning, one page at a time, line by line, word by word, to be sure I don’t miss a single thing. And I wouldn’t want to miss a single thing in Joy’s book. It’s fabulous.
Weekends are the best time to eat fudge. Especially when it’s vegan, gluten-free, soy-free, and has no refined sugar. Dare I say that actually sounds like it’s good for me and I should eat extra. Twist my arm. Peanut Butter and Jelly Chocolate Protein Fudge
What’s been the best thing you’ve done or eaten so far this weekend? Complete the sentence: Weekends Are__________ Thanks for the Puff Pastry At Brunch Cookbook Giveaway entries Enjoy your weekend!