I tried to loosely replicate Manwich in my last lentil recipe, Ketchup & Mustard Lover’s Protein & Veggie Mash. But no matter how much ketchup I added, it just wasn’t Manwich. Sometimes it’s fun to re-invent the wheel, like making Raw Vegan Gluten-Free Girl Scout “Samoas” Cookies. Other times it’s not so fun, and you use what you know is tried-and-true, such as a can of Manwich. Which is exactly what I did. Manwich is vegan according to many internet sources. Google it.
[print_this] Vegan Sloppy Joes with Lentils & Beans (Bun-less) Ingredients 1 c dry Green Lentils (green lentils are much heartier and firmer than red which turn to mush much easier) 1 can beans (I used red kidney) 1 can Manwich Optional: 1 to 1.5 c diced Vegetables (I used carrots and broccoli) Optional: 1 med/large Potato (the potato helps to absorb any excess liquid since there is no meat to “soak up” the Manwich. Skip/reduce potato amount as desired.) Optional: Chili powder, cayenne, cumin, garlic, onions, tomatoes/tomato sauce, salsa, salt/pepper, EVOO, all to taste Directions Cook 1 cup dry lentils with 2 cups water on stovetop (Bring the lentils and water to a boil, then cover and reduce heat). Simmer for about 15-20 minutes, or until lentils are cooked. While the lentils are simmering, cook the potato in the microwave. (Large potatoes in my micro take about 8.5 to 9 minutes, turning potato over once midway through cooking.) Dice the cooked baked potato into large chunks. Once the lentils are cooked, add the everything except the cooked and diced potato and stir. Simmer for 5-10 minutes on low heat, covered. Then, fold in the (delicate) cooked potato chunks. Stir to combine, and serve. (Being gluten free, I did not buy buns. This would be great on buns, or even scooped up with chips) Yields: Dinner for 3, plus leftovers for two more meals. [/print_this] Here’s a Visual Guide After the lentils are cooked, add in everything except the potato. Stir, cover, & simmer for 5-10 minutes Fold in the cooked & diced potato
Serve the Bun-less Lentil Joes on buns, with chips, or as-is. Simply next to a salad.
The recipe is a one-pot meal, vegan, gluten free, ready in less than 30 minutes, makes planned leftovers, is packed with protein, and is cheap to make.
And oh yes, helps satisfy my childhood Manwich memories. Minus the meat and gluten.
The potato, beans, and added veggies help to “beef up” the recipe. Pun intended. Even my Man (wich) didn’t miss the meat. He wished for buns, but oh well, next time. Planned leftovers are my savior. Check out my One-Pot Meals for a round up of recent lentil, rice, potato, veggie-bakes, casseroles, and recipe ideas that are variations on this theme. From my last post, I’m glad you enjoyed Averie’s Alphabet. It was fun hearing what your alphabet answers were. Dessert: Wash your Lentil Joes down with Raw Vegan Chocolate Macaroons. Dehydrator or oven-friendly. Questions:
- Do you like Sloppy Joes? Or Manwich? I loved them as a kid. I rarely ate meat as a child (just a personal preference thing from a very young age) but one way my mom could entice me to eat meat was when it was covered in Manwich. The meat didn’t ever digest well, but I sure loved the sauce. I am still a condiment lover. Big time. I like a little food with my sauce.
- Do you have a favorite Sloppy Joes recipe? I posted links to a couple of them as well as other lentil recipes, here, that I’ve seen and need to try. Including the PPK recipe Snobby Joes.
- Do you have any foods from childhood that no matter how much you grow up, you just have to have that particular food? Yes! Things like Sloppy Joes and Girl Scout cookies come to mind. TGIF gang! Any plans for the weekend yet?