I am really glad you enjoyed my Raw Zuke Noodles and Peanut Sauce recipe yesterday! I loved reading your replies and comments regarding my question of is it important to be popluar?  And as adults, are we always searching for this?  Are you?  Well, lots of you weighed in on the discussion and thank you for your candor and thoughts.  Such fun mail to read when people are being really honest in the comment section! First, in today’s mailbag was a Bottle of Lotion from Skin MD Naturals, which I won in Heather’s Give Away. They also included a few other sample packets.  Can’t wait to try this stuff out!  Being that I live in the dessert, moisture, moisture, lotion, lotion, is the name of my beauty game!  Thanks again Skin MD Naturals and Heather!!!  And I was delighted to see this adorable girl and her sister’s holiday card arrive!   Let’s Recap some of the Nibbles ‘Round Here… Lots of Fruit I made a fresh batch of Chocolate Brownie Protein Oats.   And after 18 hours in the fridge, this is what it looks like. I realize the photography is not the most flattering, but the taste more than makes up for the lack of artistry in the photos!  My tip is to store the Chocolate Brownie Protein Oats in the freezer, not the fridge because it doesn’t actually freeze solid.  It just gets thick and fudgy!!!! Scott requested some oatmeal.  This bowl was 1/3 c dry oats, 2/3 c water, cinnamon, & brown sugar And garnished with banana slices and raisins.  Warm and soothing on chilly winter mornings! For Scott’s Dinner, I made Quesadillas paired with a large salad with tomatoes, carrots, and cukes.   I used TJ’s frozen breaded chicken strips, added cheese and tomatoes, put the mixture into some high fiber tortilla wraps, nuked it all for 90 seconds, and voila, quesadillas.  This yoga teacher has to get creative when the family is hungry and it’s already really late and dinner is needed, pronto. For those of you interested in vegetarian or vegan quesadillas, I would recommend using a vegan cheese such as Follow Your Heart or another one you enjoy, adding perhaps some cremini mushrooms as they give a lovely creamy texture, and then just add in the tomatoes or whatever veggies you enjoy, and melt! Or, you can make your own raw vegan cheezy spread.  Sort of like hummus, but cheezier! Averie’s Raw Vegan Cheezy Spread 1 c raw cashews (soaked for a few hours) 3-4 Tbsp Nutritional Yeast (nooch).  More if you like things really cheezy flavored like I do! 2-3 Tbsp Lemon Juice Salt & Pepper to Taste Optional other spices added to taste: garlic, onions, cumin, etc. Yields: Approx 1 cup of Vegan Cheezy Spread
Soaking my nuts (TWSS!) Blend everything together in your Vita or Food Processor or Magic Bullet, and enjoy! There are certain things I will shortcut on, like TJ’s frozen foods, but the shortcut is always paired with a big fresh salad and veggies.   I made myself a Big Pile ‘o Rabbit Food Greenery:  Mixed lettuces, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, yellow peppers, cukes, brock, cauli. And tossed it with my Vegan Holiday-Spice Orange Vinaigrette (takes 2 minutes to make and sooo good, right Cindy?) I decided for dessert to indulge in a few Frozen Balls. High Raw Vegan Peanut Butter Vanilla Balls, that is. I love all my balls, no doubt! There’s my Raw Vegan Dark Chocolate Fudge Balls Or my High Raw Vegan Gingerbread Cookie Dough Balls  my Vegan Sugar Cookie Dough Balls Then, I nibbled on a few bites of Raw Vegan Apple Crumble.  Yoga Today is Prasarita Padottanasana C (Wide-Legged Forward Bend) Some versions of Prasarita Padottanasana are: A is head and hands down B is head down C is arms clasped behind your back D is grabbing the big toes with your fingers Tip of the Day:  Wanting some Guidance and a Sense of Community as your embark on the New Year as it relates to food, fitness, and health?  I got this in my inbox from Vega today and wanted to pass it along.  It’s totally free and may help a few of you! Your challenge this month: The new year is a great opportunity for a fresh start. Rather than broad resolutions, smaller, more manageable changes are the best way to create lasting results. Since the community is place to share and learn from others, the focus of this month’s challenge is to share your goals for 2010. My Second Tip of the Day is from my Crazy Sexy Life Newsletter which featured one of Earth Mother’s Recipes. Run over to her blog for more awesome recipes! Curried Coconut Soup by Earthmother in the Raw -meat and water from one young coconut -3 C carrots, grated -1 onion, chopped -1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice -2 Tbsp curry powder -1 tsp grated ginger root -cayenne to taste Combine all ingredients in a blender and puree. Garnish with fresh cilantro.
To expand upon a question I asked at the beginning of the week regarding staying present and not living in the past or the future, I wanted to follow up by asking do you live in fear of anything?  Do you have any regrets?  Are you a second-guesser?  Such as, “Well, maybe I should have done that.  Or, maybe I shouldn’t have said that.  Or, I wonder what would have happened if I had said such-and-such to her.” Are you working on these things?  What or how do you find inspiration you to break free from living in fear or with regret?  Or from second-guessing things? As I mentioned, I don’t tend to live in the past, and I don’t live with regrets, however, I do second-guess myself and my choices from time to time.  “Did I say the right thing to her?  Did I cover my bases?  Did I do the right thing?”  But I think it’s human nature to second-guess ourselves every now and then.  But what do you think?  Does any of this ring true for you? Skylar says thanks for the compliments from yesterday, too!  And bye for now, it’s naptime, Mommy! Stay Tuned For Details of a Blogger Meetup and a Weekly Recap Post…