It had been far too long since she and I saw each other and I was able to squeeze in some time with her and her kids today.  Skylar loves playing with Jenny’s daughter who is about 15 months younger than she is.  And Jenny’s son is so big since the last time I saw him.   Most importantly, I got in some girl talk. Seeing real life friends, having girl talk, chit chatting over coffee, that’s what life is all about.  I love my internet friends, and my online friends and blog friends are 100% real to me, but the face to face and human interaction of being with my friends, in the flesh, is awesome and necessary, too.   We left the Burbs and Headed back to the City.  Not Jenny’s actual house.  Don’t get any ideas. Skylar was thrilled with her bag of apples and water. And remember the kitchen reorganization project?  I found bars I didn’t remember having.   Like this 18 Rabbits bar, which made a great car snack.  Apricots, Sultanas & Pumpkin Seed Flavor.   Soft and chewy with raisin and apricot chunks and big oats.  It was good!   Skylar ate most of it.  She always steals the good stuff.   From my post earlier today about my Fun Book Review, I am glad you liked the sounds of that book.  I really enjoyed it and sounds like some of you want to get your mitts on it, too.  Cool! And I am glad I am not alone in having my eyes glaze over when it comes to some technical details and too many numbers.  Sound like many of you are the same way.  I liked hearing what your natural strong suits are and what subjects come easy for you and what subjects you have to concentrate a little more on. Snack/Dessert: High Raw Vegan Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Balls  Have dry oats and raisins and 5 minutes?   Good.   You can make these in case you don’t have any 18 Rabbits Bars laying around. And while you have the Oats out, maybe make some Microwave Banana Oat Cakes A few of you told me you already made these and enjoyed the simplicity of the recipe.  I’m glad!      Questions 1. When was the last time you saw your friends?  Any friends. If you’re in school, the answer is probably today.  Or yesterday. But when you get out of school and are working, not that I don’t consider the people I work with friends, some of them I do, some of them I don’t.  But there’s a difference between co-workers and friends. It’s so important for me to make time for my friends!  That was one of my 2011 Intentions.  Check. 2. Do you prefer cookies or cakes?  Describe your perfect cookie or cake! I would say that I prefer cookies, but it’s a very hard call.  The right cake can be nothing short of a divine gift.  But I feel like it’s harder to perfect cakes than cookies.  Then again, cookies can be tricky too. My perfect cookie is barely hardened on the outside, gooey and chewy in the middle. My perfect cake is moist, rich, and dense. Above all else, baked goods cannot be dry!  If one has to error on overbaking or underbaking, by all means, underbaking!  And raw is even fine.  With vegan baked goods, that’s not an issue anyway! 3. Did you work out today?  If you did, what kind of workout did you do? I am about to do a 20 minute power walk and then come home for some 20 minute at-home yoga/lifting moves.  See you in the morning with a Give Away….