I see you. Over there in the corner, eating sweet roasted vegetables topped with slices of white cheddar in a grilled cheese. There’s no shame in that. No.Shame.At.All. Hey kids, look at the pretty veggies! V-e-g-e-t-a-b-l-e-s! I scream, you scream, we all scream for roasted vegetables. Roasted vegetables aren’t really vegetables, I don’t think. They taste 100 times better than any vegetable I’ve ever eaten. They’re almost as addicting as BBQ kettle chips, which, by the way, are also vegetables. Did you know that already? I bet you did. You’re smart about food. When you put tender-crisp rosemary roasted vegetables in between layers of melted white cheeses, you get a flavor and texture combo like no other grilled cheese I’ve ever had. Except maybe this one. But that one doesn’t have roasted vegetables, and roasted vegetables are my life right now. If you’re smart about anything, you’re going to make this sandwich for yourself and die in cheesy heaven. See you on the other side. If I tell you that I took 127 pictures of this melted cheesey goodness, will you understand how much I love this sandwich? No reviews Cooking this on a griddle/panini press helped press the sandwich down to an edible size. You could also use a heavy pan or brick to get the same effect. Because I did that.