She was all over the Dora phone as I suspected she would be.

Thrilled about it! She told me now she can text all her friends.  She’s four.

Soon she’ll be showing me how to use my iPhone. She cuddled right up with the stuffed bunny.

And he hops, too.

She was so happy that The Bunny stopped by our house that she didn’t even miss the candy I forgot to buy to include in her basket.  Whoops!  But love it when things work out that way.  

The weather was sunny and nice here on Saturday.  A little chilly by my standards (low 60s and windy) but it could be far worse.  Like Sunday.  It was cold, overcast, rainy, and dreary on Sunday.

I spotted this bright flower on a run on Saturday. It’s so vibrant it almost looks fake to me!  Don’t the colors found in nature just amaze you sometimes? Another thing that amazed me was that Target was closed! I know it’s a holiday and all but I don’t remember Target ever closing for Easter, then again I don’t keep tabs on it, either. I was putting off a Target run to replenish things like body wash, toilet paper, and chapstick because my last trip there was really just to buy Easter basket making items.  Oh well, there’s always tomorrow. From my last post about Chocolate Coconut Kale Chips, I’m glad they looked good to many of you.  Not everyone’s cup of tea, I realize, but I assure you, they are great and the combo of chocolate and coconut with kale totally works.   I did a product review on some storebought chocolate kale chips but I prefer my recipe since it’s more chocolaty and less “healthy” tasting than the storebought kale chips were. I would not say “oh, so good” if they weren’t.  No way! I love sugar, chocolate and rich food and would not steer you wrong.  I got lots of “interestings” in the comments on the post so just wanted to say they really are good! The recipe and pictures appealed to Foodgawker and Tasteologie which is an honor for me. My love of photography helps fuel me to create recipes and photograph them as beautifully as I can, and when my photos are accepted, it inspires me to keep going and keep learning and trying to improve!   If chocolate kale isn’t your thing, how about just Raw Vegan Coconut Oil Chocolate? Questions:

  1. Best thing you did or ate over the weekend? Seeing Skylar’s excitement about what the Bunny brought her was the best thing, for sure. Reminds me of her excitement Christmas morning in Aruba seeing what Santa brought her.
  2. Did you celebrate Easter? Any fun stories? I grew up celebrating it, but Scott didn’t, as I explained. We celebrate both Christian and Jewish holidays in our house, just in very loose ways. We keep try to keep holidays light, easy, and stress-free.
  3. Did the Easter Bunny or anyone bring you anything fun? No flowers, chocolate, candy, Easter baskets, or anything special for me this year.  That’s ok though because seeing how happy Skylar was over her little items was all I needed. Enjoy your week! P.S. If you’re just catching up on posts from the weekend, here are mine since Friday:

Chocolate Coconut Kale Chips Bunny Crafts Delicious Food I Saw Hair Products I Use iPhone Arrived & Brownie Recipes The Easter Bunny Stopped By - 42The Easter Bunny Stopped By - 44The Easter Bunny Stopped By - 74The Easter Bunny Stopped By - 26The Easter Bunny Stopped By - 40The Easter Bunny Stopped By - 3The Easter Bunny Stopped By - 62The Easter Bunny Stopped By - 43The Easter Bunny Stopped By - 4The Easter Bunny Stopped By - 83The Easter Bunny Stopped By - 9The Easter Bunny Stopped By - 32The Easter Bunny Stopped By - 41