comment icon 37 more comments Avocado Shrimp Salad, comin boldly on through. This Avo Shrimp Salad is reminding me of three other things: avocado egg salad (another swap-mayo-for-avocado salad situation), goddess curry chicken salad (another cold, creamy, healthy summer lunch), and a standard shrimp roll. Like, you know, the kind of shrimp roll you’d imagine getting on a boardwalk or something? I mean, I’ve never ACTUALLY eaten a shrimp roll on a boardwalk. But it just kind of seems like the right thing to associate this with – almost like you could stuff this cold, creamy goodness into a bun if you wanted to really go that direction, right? But you don’t even need to. It’s good enough on its own. Boardwalk not included. Here’s what’s happening in this Avocado Shrimp Salad:
mashed avocadosubstantial lemon drenchsalt and pepperdill or chives, or bothdiced cucumberfresh spinach (optional – just depends on the moods)ice-cold, super-fresh, delicious 3-minute poached shrimp which are almost kinda sweet? know what I mean? they are REALLY speaking to me right now.
I have been making this as a single-serve deal, because usually I’m eating lunch solo, and also because it doesn’t keep all that well once it’s been prepared (THANKS A LOT, AVOCADO). But here’s what I do: I poach and ice-bath a bunch of shrimp all at once and keep those in the fridge. I also chop up a bunch of cucumbers and herbs, and stash a few avocados on the counter. Then when it’s lunchtime, I mix it up. Everything comes together super quickly. I cannot understate my love for a good one-bowl salad situation. Recommendations for serving: Outdoor seating, with some crackers, maybe? or those Parmesan cheese crisps that they sell at Costco? OMG. Also, a big glass of iced coconut water or, if you’re really feeling it, LEMONADE. I mean, honestly – how good is standard lemonade? And an inappropriately drippy peach for dessert. Are you feeling this? I am so feeling this. I’m sending all the summer vibes to you through the screen.
One More Thing!
This recipe is part of our best healthy summer salads page. Check it out! 4.6 from 13 reviews Sometimes I add some chopped fresh spinach to this salad to kind of bulk it up a little bit and get some extra greens in my life.