That would be a package of strawberries for 13 dollars. Thirteen. Dollars. That’s why I don’t buy strawberries here in the Philippines, or berries of any kind, really. Don’t feel bad for me. I mean, bananas, papaya, mango, pineapple? Those heavenly golden fruits of the tropics keep my fruit-loving self happy and they don’t require draining the savings account. It’s like… the best thing ever. But the price tag on the berries kills me, and therefore my mouth hasn’t tasted berries in 8+ months. Someone told me that you can go to the northern part of the island and they have a farm where you can pick your own strawberries. I would love that. Except I probably won’t follow through on it, because it’s one of those things you hear about and love in theory but just… don’t do. It’s like it’s too hard or something. I’d rather buy a jar of jam and make strawberry jam muffins. I love strawberry jam. Sometimes I eat it plain, after dinner, or before breakfast, or whenever. Just a little spoonful. Homemade strawberry jam is the best of the best. I can remember making homemade jam with my mom in the summertime and the sugar would get all crystallized in the bottom of the jar. Not sure if that was supposed to happen but I loved it. And those big chunks of strawberry. Yes. Let’s make muffins with strawberry jam. They are quick, easy, and jammy. To be eaten while wearing jammies. Like that? 3.6 from 8 reviews

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