Well that’s what happened to me when I read a post of Gina’s recently and she had yellow squash photographed. And from that moment on, I was like a pregnant lady in need of pickles: I had to have some yellow squash! So I made it. Also featured are: *B.S. (Brussels’s Sprouts, but there’s always lots of B.S. around here, too) *red peppers *zucchini *greens *Agave & Crack Black *And I squeezed the juice of a half an orange over everything and let the acid from the fruit juice do the work of cooking the veggies! So yep, it’s all raw. Crunchy, and probably lightly steaming would have been a little easier to chew, but it sure tasted nummy! And wait, the Black Things Are Back. If you missed the Dulse Flake post, go check it out. Thanks everyone for the great dulse comments and chatter! Oh and here was the sauce that I drizzled over the Squash Plate. I have mentioned this one before in this post, but in this version of Cinnamon Ginger Dipping Sauce I used: *Juice of half a small Orange *3 Tbsp Raw Apple Cider Vinegar *2 Tbsp Cinnamon *1 Tsp Ginger *1/2 Tsp Cumin (that’s all I had in my nearly empty bottle) *1/4 Tsp Guar Gum *1/4 Tsp Xanthum Gum *Agave to taste, probably 2 Tbsp *Blend well, I used my Vita-Mix *Keeps in fridge for a few days so I made extra There on the side you can see the tangy zangy sauce. And no morning is complete, now is it, without a Green Monster. This one had: *1/3 of a large head of Romaine *3 celery stalks *Dried mango (that you can see on the canister sides because I ground that a bit before I put everything else in) *1 Apple *2 skinny Carrots *1 Banana *Agave to Taste *Blend it up in the V Angela, you ain’t got nothin’ on this one! See the mango flakes in there? Mmmm, nummy. Everyone’s favorite time…yoga! After my morning trot, I thought I was feelin’ the need for a little heart chakra opening and backbending. So I hung out in Camel for a bit. Aka, Ustrasana. And then of course, after any kind of backbending, make sure you do a counter-pose! Like Child’s Pose (balasana), or some kind of foward bend. Be kind to your back! Ahhh…happy time. :) Averie Tip of the Day: Make time for yourself. Period. No excuses. Take 10, 20, 60 minutes (lucky dog!) every day, whatever increment of time works for you and your life, and just make it your own. Workout, zone out, read your emails, catch up on sewing, knitting, reading, talking on the phone, whatever it is. Just make time for yourself so that you recharge your batteries. I recently wrote to a group that, If Mama Ain’t Happy, Ain’t No One Happy! So true! And you don’t have to be a mom for that to apply. P.S. Stay tuned tomorrow for Chia Seeds in Action….