The day started off with a fruit-n-raw-veggies smoothie. Into the Vita-Mix went: 1 banana, 2 small oranges, 1/2 of a yellow summer squash (I know, kinda like huh would that work?…but honestly, not even notice-able), handful of baby carrots, 1/2 inch of ginger, dash of agave
About 1 minute later Skylar and I had an orange creamsicle-colored Smoothie Fest Goin’ On
It was good. Sweet, zingy from the ginger, and filling. Nice.
Yesterday I made a batch of chia pudding. This batch was 3/4 c vanilla almond milk with 2 tbsp chia seeds. Dash of agave and dash of stevia. Did the Stir-n-Wait thing on the countertop for about 20 minutes. Then I popped the Chia Pet into the fridge for 8 hours.
Here’s what the Chia Pet looked like after it’s fridge time. After I took it outta the fridge is when I added a little vanilla extract. Didn’t want a chia failure that I think was related to the alcohol in the vanilla extract that happened before and the pet not setting up properly.
Still wasn’t quite as thick as I may have liked, but that’s how pets are sometimes. Never know what they’re gonna do. I think I am going to take my new blogger friend RawDorable’s suggestions and maybe add more seeds and a little less liquid. I mean, duh, common sense. I know I’m blond and all though.
I also had a Cherry Cashew Pure Bar for snacky time. You can pick Pure bars up at Trader Joe’s. I seem to be in there every 36 hours, rain or shine. I swear, the place can’t live without me.
Stats for the datey, nutty, yummy, little vegan nosh.
Dinner last night was some leftover Un-Chicky Salad I had made the day before. The heap ‘o unchicky was resting on a bed of greens & cucumber ribbons. Also added orange & yellow pepps, carrots and some heavy dulse action. Mmmm….tasty. I slathered ranch dressing all over Scott’s, but that one didn’t make the cut here, sorry.
Here was another bowl of veggie goodness we munched down. B.S., Zukes & Cukes, Carrots, dressed with oranges and OJ, agave, and cracked black.
For dessert I have made a new BFF quicker than Paris can tell Nicole Ritchie to beat it. Medjools are nice…
…but slathered in PB and some dark choco chips on top….holy hittin’ the midnight spot! We eat dinner pretty late, unfortunately. So, by the time I get Skylar to bed and enjoy my dessert alone and in-peace, thank you very much, and surf everyone’s bloggie, it’s about midnight and these little poppers slide down rather wonderfully.
Question for you…any experiences with or thoughts on PB2 ? I admit I am very intrigued and would like to give this stuff a whirl, but not if it’s nastiness in a jar. I’ll pass. Anyone ever tried the chocolate version of PB2? Gimme the skinny on the skinny PB por favor.
This morning, I went for a humid and damp, sorta coolish run. Came home and broke out a little yoga.
Here was me in Bow Pose. Dhanurasana
:) Averie
Tip of the Day: Did you all check out my Zevia GiveAway? There will be SIX WINNERS with 7 different ways for you to win!!! I hope you have your fineass selves entered already and if not, cruise here for the 411.