comment icon 17 more comments Someone (probably my mom) has brought Scotcheroos. And you know there’s inevitably going to be a pan of thick, gooey brownies. How can anyone be expected to decide between the two perfect bars? If you’re me, you end up eating half of each, because you feel somehow loyal to the perfect brownie, but also loyal to your mom and the family favorite Scotcheroo, which then results in eating two halves of each. Oops. Well, dessert bar lovers, buckle up. I give you today the Scotchabrownie! …chirp Okay, bad name. Scotcheroos get their name from the butterscotch, and there isn’t even any butterscotch in these bars. However, the original name is Better-than-Crack-Brownies. Clever, yes, but I try to keep things G-rated around here for all those 5 year old blog readers, so you’ll have to deal with my cheesy name. Oooh la la. These will change the way you think about brownies and possibly the way your pants fit. But I have full confidence in your ability to exercise more self control than I did. And to just exercise in general after eating them. 4.8 from 11 reviews How many of these could you eat in one minute? Just kidding. What’s your favorite party food? Thanks for reading. Enjoy the Scotchabrownies.