But I have to admit, things didn’t start out so well. In fact, there were a few tears and a lot of vacuuming after attempt number one: Good bye, new Pyrex baking dish. My self confidence plummeted after these horrendous results. But luckily I have strong determination when it comes to making food with peanut butter, chocolate, and candy. And so I tried again. This time, I used more safe kitchen practices, such as turning off the burner before setting pans on top of it. And the end result was glorious: salted toffee. Check out those sweet layers! Toffee, saltine, peanut butter, chocolate, and candy. Delicious. The one and only problem with this toffee is that, without fail, I always end up with chocolate all over my face. 4.9 from 12 reviews Has anyone else ever shattered a glass pan? This was officially my most significant kitchen mishap. And I hope I never outdo myself…