comment icon 209 more comments Bleh. Do you just want to kick me sometimes? There is only one reason that it is a Top O’ The Monday kind of morning, and it is not the fact that I’m battling a throat-attacking cold, or the fact that we are embarking on some travels in just a few days for which I still have no hotels reserved, or the fact that our second bedroom/office is currently door-less because of a home fix-up project gone bad. Anti-inspiring Monday Things, I hereby banish you to another day. Or another life. Be gonesies. Today there’s a new kinda Monday in town today and it involves spicy roasted cauliflower, semi-crispy roasted chickpeas, and velvety-creamy avocado dip all wrapped up in a super soft whole wheat pita and dollop-ed with Greek yogurt like a champ. Things are looking wayyyy up.

How To Make Our Veggie Pitas:

In addition to the beauty of these Roasted Veggie Pitas with Avocado Dip on a Monday, we have some other happy news on the horizon: soon and very soon, we are going to be in Florida! I can’t even tell you how excited this makes me. The South. The warmth. The sun and palm trees and green life all around. But then I remember that it’s currently zero degrees in Florida. Like, what? HOW. WHY. This is such a crime of nature. Packing for the trip, which is already a personal struggle of mine, just went from Regular Bad all the way to Red Alert Overboard Zone Bad. Sandals, shorts, tanks, plus all my thickest sweaters and scarves. Maybe a blanket? Plus sunglasses and sunscreen, but don’t forget mittens. Come ON, Florida. The good news is that one of my most favorite things to do on vacation is EAT. And you can do that in any temperature. And you can especially do that in Charleston, which, as you’ve told me time and again, is a Foodie Paradise. Yes, friends, we officially made the decision that for our Florida-conference-weekend-travel-extension, we’re going to drive north to spend a few days in Charleston. Ugh. This is all your fault. THANKS A LOT. I’m not telling you because I’m expecting you to comment with your detailed restaurant recommendations so we can eat the best of the best of the best while in Charleston, buuuut if that happened, I wouldn’t be mad about it. Vacation fantasy world aside – in my real life, it’s Monday. It’s a meatless kind of Monday that requires something zippy and wholesome and super totally delicious. And we, in our two person family, are meeting this need with simple, thirty minute, veg-friendly Roasted Veggie Pitas with Avocado Dip, and hi –> in case you missed it the first time, I just said AVOCADO DIP. Seriously get moving already.

One More Thing!

This recipe is part of our favorite avocado recipes page. Check it out! 4.8 from 48 reviews

Roasted Veggie Pitas with Avocado Dip Recipe - 79Roasted Veggie Pitas with Avocado Dip Recipe - 21Roasted Veggie Pitas with Avocado Dip Recipe - 62Roasted Veggie Pitas with Avocado Dip Recipe - 5Roasted Veggie Pitas with Avocado Dip Recipe - 90Roasted Veggie Pitas with Avocado Dip Recipe - 82Roasted Veggie Pitas with Avocado Dip Recipe - 39