I got everything at the regular grocery store.  Grapes were on sale for 88 cents/pound, vine-ripe tomatoes were 2.49/pound, oranges were on sale, basically it was one big sale-fest.

I buy everything at the regular grocery store or TJ’s, except….

…..Vegenasise.  I went to Whole Foods for that singular item.  Walk in, don’t stop, don’t browse, you will get sucked in$$ if you don’t have a clear mission. I needed to replenish my Vegenaise stash so I could make more Vegan Slaw Dressing

Sometimes I make Broccoli “Salad” (minus the bacon and sometimes minus the raisins, i.e. so  just plain broccoli) and that gets smothered in slaw dressing.

Or sometimes I’ll make Horseradish Relish Dressing with Vegenaise.  No charge for the extra kick that comes with it. And I went to the post office, mailed a parcel, and replenished my stamp stash.  I try to pay all my bills online and do everything as paperless as possible, but sometimes I can’t avoid using snail mail and need stamps.

I do try to avoid paying retail for all dry goods, household goods, protein powders, body wash and tons more and order everything from iHerb.com I order things like: 5 pounds of bulk white stevia powder to Liquid Vanilla Stevia to bulk cinnamon orders and re-filling my existing jars and saving $30 in the process to Nooch for 15+ recipes that I use it in to using iHerb for the probiotics and other supplements I take I highly encourage you to give iHerb a try.  And never pay retail or WF prices again! If you do try iHerb, you can use code: AVE630 at checkout to save $5 From my last post about my new camera bag, thanks for the compliments on it! And thanks for letting me know if you’re purse and bag junkie like I am and what, if anything, you’ve ever had custom-made. Dessert: Chocolate Macroons (Raw and Vegan) If you don’t have a dehydrator, feel free to bake them in your oven.

Questions: 1.  What do you buy online vs. in a regular store? I love saving money by ordering my bulk items, non-perishable food items, and dry goods online. Produce, certain specialty food products, my Target trips, my trips to the mall and MAC store, well, those things I buy in a real store. 2. What have you replenished lately? I replenished my produce stash at the grocery store. I replenished my nooch, probiotics, and steiva stash from iHerb I replenished our clean clothes by doing laundry And I replenished my sanity by going on a glorious run in the 70F and sunny weather and then I came home and did 20 minutes worth of workout moves in my garage.

What have you replenished lately?

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