It all started with a Williams and Sonoma gift card. A gift card that I forgot at home on the day that I intended to buy said Panini Press. Luckily, it was a workshop day, so I had the glorious freedom to make a “quick” stop at home for the gift card over lunch. But not so fast. It was blizzard-ing outside. Which meant that my “quick” trip home actually took 55 minutes of my lunch hour. Oh well, I thought. At least I can have a delicious panini (or 2!) for dinner. After work, I braved the blizzard and the unplowed mall parking lot. I put on my boots, pulled up my hood, and trudged through the snow up to the door of W and S, where I was urgent to get inside. But when I pulled on the door – Nothing. I looked up to find a sign on the door: “CLOSED for inventory.” Unbelievable. And I bet you wouldn’t believe that when I went back the very next day, again braving blizzard-like conditions, and asked for a Panini Press, the salesperson looked at me with alarm and said, “You should have called! We’re all out!” So here I am, only just three weeks later, finally enjoying that buttery crust with the melted cheesy filling that is total perfection. And what does it say about me and my Panini Press that one of my first thoughts after tasting the golden sandwich was: This would be great with bacon. No reviews Help, please.