Thanks for the feedback and comments you gave me about what you buy in bulk and if you’re a bulk shopper or not. And what you do to try to save money at the grocery or health food store. And also the products you purchase at Sam’s, Costco, or the Warehouse Clubs! There were some good tips and comments from you; muchas gracias! And it sounds like you all are TV fans! I liked learning your fave programs; hey maybe I’ll even find time to watch some of your favorite shows sometime! For Dinner Last Night I Made Raw Vegan Zucchini Pasta Noodles & Raw Vegan Homemade Red Marinara Sauce For Exact Ingredient Amounts and my Original Recipe, Click Here Start with Spiralized Zuke Noodles For spiralizer info and what I have, where to buy it (the best $29.99 you’ll ever spend!) check out this post) Then I made the Red Marinara Sauce: Tomatoes, Red Pepper, Carrots (for a touch of natural sweetness), Basil, Oregano. No Garlic or Onions in mine, but you could if you like those flavors. And Blend to desired consistency. Top the Zuke Noodles with the Marinara Mix it up and voila, dinner is served. The entire raw vegan homemade meal, including appliance cleanup, takes 15-20 minutes. Seriously fast, easy, and delish. Optional Add-In’s, Extras, Tips, & Tweaks: Garlic, Onions or other spices you enjoy in the sauce Mushrooms Tofu Meatballs/Sausage Nut/Bean “Burger” Pieces Real Beef or Turkey Meatballs for the non-vegetarian in your life Use Store-Bought Pasta Sauce Use “Regular” Pasta Noodles but make your own sauce *Plate it up and try it at room temp and if it’s not working for you, zap it for 45 seconds in the microwave. Sometimes I do this for Scott. You’re still getting the benefits of a vegan homemade meal, and you’re not cooking the crap out of it nutrients out of it for hours, rather just warming it a bit. If you have a dehydrator, you could also pop your plated meal into the dehydrator and let it warm up that way to preserve the raw status, if that’s important to you. **If you’re not a red sauce or tomato person and Peanut Sauce is more your speed, here you go with Raw Zucchini Noodles with Tossed Veggies and Homemade Peanut Sauce. Click Here for the Original Post and Recipe Noodles Then The Vegan Soy-Free Peanut Sauce I made Here Diced & added some other veggies: cukes, red peppers, tomatoes, carrots, sugar snap peas, asparagus..use whatever you have in your veggie drawer. And voila, another awesome Raw Vegan 15 minute Dinner! I also made a Fresh Batch of Raw Vegan Coconut Oil Chocolate Removed it from the Freezer And Cut the Raw Vegan Coconut Oil Chocolate into pieces… ….Put it in a dish…. …And Nibbled Away on These! Add cinnamon, lots of vanilla extract or not, add orange/lemon/lime zest or extract, the options go on and on! Vegan Homemade Chocolate, Make it Exactly How You Want It and it Take 5 Minutes and then just a few more to set up in the freezer! I also nibbled on some Raw Vegan Caramels… …and Raw Vegan Nut Butter Filled Caramels! Yoga Today is The Splits (or Hanumanasana, which means Monkey Pose) A Month Ago I posted A Hanumanasana Challenge. Well, I wouldn’t really call it a challenge, but more of a set of tips for getting into the splits. Remember This Post? I can’t believe it’s been a month, and Skylar has been 3 for a whole month now! Hanumanasana (Monkey Pose, or the full splits) And Utthita Hasta Padangustasana, (The Standing Splits) I know that some of you told me you were going to try to work on your splits just a little bit every day. How’s that been going for you? Questions 1. Can You Do the Splits? Do You Want to? I love the openness I feel in my hips, hamstrings, and lower back when I go into the splits and when I first started praticing yoga 10 years ago, I has such tight runners’ hamstrings and hips that I thought I’d never get there. As I began to scale back the running and increase my yoga, and with a little practice, I got there. What physical fitness goal or challenge do you Have or Would Like to Pursue? 2. Erica of Itzy’s Kitchen had someone ask her what blogs she reads every day. I thought that was a great question and I’d love to know what some of your favorite blogs are? Who do you get excited about when you see that blogger has a new post up? For me, there are some bigger-sized blogs that I read and enjoy but there’s about 5 blogs or so that I know “everyone reads” but I do not. I learn about these lady’s creations & oatmeal recipes when other blogger’s talk about them in their posts…haha! I like reading blogs where the author is informative, genuine, humorous, does a decent job, or at least tries a little tiny bit, to respond to reader comments/questions (trust me, I know that this alone can become a full time job!). In short, I read and keep on reading blogs that I just connect or “click” with the author’s message and vibe. And since I have 200 blogs in my Google Reader, I am never at a loss for things to read! Not to mention, I am finding new blogs every day to read especially as more people find mine and I click through to theirs…not like I needed more reading material, but hey, it’s fun! Who’s Blogs do You Read Faithfully and Why Do You Think You Keep Reading? 2. And if you’re a reader of someone’s blog, do you read in stealth, do you comment, a mixture of both, or how do you decide if you leave a comment or not? It does take time to leave comments but I always try to leave one. And the less word verification the better! That said, sometimes life gets in the way of all aspects of blogging from posting to reading to commenting and we all know this motto: Life First, Then Blogs. Sometimes I need to remind myself of that…haha! Stay Tuned For My Yoga Retreat Reminder and Some Questions and Mailbox Goodies (and please someone tell me if you frankly don’t care what I get in the mail and I’ll quit posting about it…haha!). And Now Off to Teach Yoga…