I didn’t even want to go out in it so this is a shot from my 4th story balcony.
I forgot about this fireplace on this balcony. I need to sit outside and use it once the rain clears up but before it gets too hot out to take advantage of it.
Note to self: Bring something from Here…
…Out to Here
What’s a good rainy day project? Getting your tax paperwork organized and ready to mail to the accountant.
And what’s a good thing to eat when it’s rainy and miserable out? Warm and hearty food… Caribbean Coconut Rice with Garbanzos & Veggies Or Savory Pumpkin, Potato, & Carrot Soup Or warm and comforting breads or cakes… Vegan GF Peanut Butter Banana Bread Or a warm Microwave Blueberry Banana Oat Cake
Ready in 5 minutes
From my earlier Challenge Post about Zodiac signs and if you think your sign fits you, and how much stock you do or don’t put into them, it was fun to read your perspectives on astrology, horoscopes, your sign, and also whether you believe in things like Full Moon phenomenon. Thanks for the fun comments. Questions:
- Best thing you’ve ate or done so far this weekend? Being done with another day of work is definitely a good thing. I’ve been working so much lately. Just checking each day off my list as being another day being “done” with work is a good feeling. Item #2 has been in full force which has been facilitating Item #1.
- Have you gotten started on your taxes yet? Do you expect that you’ll have to pay in? Get a refund? Or pretty much even? I have structured things so that I hope I am even. But one never quite knows until all the numbers are ran. Fingers crossed I don’t have to pay in! I don’t even care (or want) a big refund. Some people count on having a big refund which is great for them, but I’d rather have access to my money all year, rather than the government holding it, and then giving me my money back in the form of a refund each spring. However, for some people, it’s a sort of forced “savings” plan. The IRS holds your money, then gives it back to you in one lump sum, and it feels like you just hit the lottery. Which hey, whatever works. I have had years where I’ve had to pay in a ridiculous sum. To the point that I literally didn’t know what I was going to do and was pawning and ebay’ing my life away. Thankfully, this hopefully shouldn’t be one of those years.
- What do you like to do on rainy days? Right along with going to the gynecologist, going to the dentist, and getting my tax paperwork in order, I’d like to watch paint dry or listen to nails on a chalkboard on rainy days. Kidding. Not really much changes for me, I still actually squeezed in a 20 minute run during a break in the rain. I worked, got housework done… …and made sure this little one had plenty of paper and crayons and indoor things to do.
Enjoy your weekend! What are you up to?