You have some homework. You need to make this glorious trio of pumpkin, cream cheese, and heavy whipping cream and bring it to a party. For me, a party is usually me and Bjork hanging out on a Tuesday night. But you can do whatever you want. There are a few rules, because I’m the teacher. You have to eat this pumpkin dip with gingersnaps. Translation: you need to put an XL (xtra large), XF (xtra fluffy) dollop of pumpkin dip on top of each cookie, and then do it again 50x. One last rule. Drizzle maple syrup and crumble gingersnaps on top of the bowl, because it’s more fun to look at in the 2 minutes before it gets devoured. Assignment due ASAP. Heavy whipping cream is so dangerous in my fridge. So. So. Dangerous. 5 from 4 reviews I love living dangerously.