And then there was the Raw Vegan Food:   Spiralized Zucchini Noodles with Raw Marinara Sauce Or With Peanut Sauce Even though I put it in yesterday’s post, everyone always writes to me and asks me…so for the Info about What Spiralizer I Have, Click Here. And it’s great for Sweet Potato Curly Fries, too! Today I wanted to show you and review some of the products I’ve been finding in my mailbox. Here’s the Backstory on the first product… Recently I got my hair done in a salon and I was not happy, at all, with how they did my hair and rather than giving me my money back, they gave me PureOlogy. What I like about it is that it’s vegan and is organic and that it smells heavenly.  And the conditioner makes my scalp tingly and is mildly pepperminty but not so much that my head gets cold in the shower. Ever try have that happen?  Not so fun. What I don’t like is the price.  $27 for the Shampoo and $29.75 for the Conditioner.  And these are pretty small bottles.  I only wash my hair every other or even every third day, and I have been going through them really fast.  I can only imagine that if you were a daily hair washer, this is about a week’s worth of product.  And, I’m almost out now. Would I buy it on my own?  If I was independently wealthy, yes, but I can’t afford $60 shampoo & conditioner…I mean, who can?   So I was happy when I recently received Tropical Traditions Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil for Hair Treatment  From their site: Tropical Traditions Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil for Hair Treatment is specially made for hair application. It has a slightly higher amount of protein than our other coconut oils, due to the presence of coconut solids. This Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil is a truly unrefined coconut oil. Suggested Uses: Excellent for ALL hair types! From the jar, it looks just like the coconut oil I cook and make Vegan Coconut Oil Chocolate with Here’s my hair helper and me.  I love this stuff!  A little dab will do ya!  I just massage a tiny bit into my hair ends, and rub the leftovers on my skin as a lotion, and I’m all set.  If you don’t have Coconut Oil for Hair handy or don’t want to purchase a separate product, regular Coconut Oil works wonderfully as a moisturizer for hair, nails, skin, diaper rash, and some people even swear by coconut oil as sunscreen! Tip: If you have shopping to do at Tropical Traditions, in the “How did you hear of us?” field when you’re completing your order, enter sponsor ID number 5303383 to receive your complimentary copy of the book Virgin Coconut Oil with 85 Free Recipes. Next Up… Chunks of Energy!   The 3 Flavors I received are Organic Cocoa with Goji

Most Flavors are Dairy free All flavors are about 80% raw and never baked handcrafted in small batches

And Organic Carob SuperGreens And Chocolate Almond Chip I broke into the Organic Cocoa with Goji because the lovely, fragrant smell of cocoa butter and chocolate was emanating from the plastic bag and was calling my name! These Chunks of Energy are Awesome!  They are dense, crunchy because of the nuts, filling, satisfying, sweet but not too sweet for those of you who don’t have an insane sweet tooth like I do; these will not send you over the sugar cliff! They sort of remind me of my Raw Vegan Dark Chocolate Fudge Balls if one were to reduce the cocoa powder in My Balls and Add Nuts (we’ll leave that one alone…TWSS).  Next Up.. The Pom Wonderful People sent me Pomegranate Juice I tend to drink water 95% of the time so Scott will have the pleasure of drinking a few of these in his lunches, but what I do plan to do with most of them is make Make Pomegranate Syrup.     Raw Vegan Green Food Was Mixed Field Greens, Brussels (steamed for 45 seconds), Sugar Snap Peas, Asparagus, Cukes, & Tomatoes With a Fresh Batch of my Homemade Vegan Slaw Dressing Dessert was a Chunk of Energy….  ….Followed up with Raw Vegan Coconut Oil Chocolate….mmmmm, goooooood combo!  Tip of the Day: So many people write to me privately with questions about yoga, I wanted to remind you about This Post where I answer common yoga questions.  Do I have to be a vegetarian to do yoga? Is yoga a religion?  And I offer tips about Free Yoga, Free Podcasts & Downloads, Yoga Clothing Info, And other fun stuff like that!  Click Here to Check it Out! Yoga Today is a Reminder And a Question For You All…about My Yoga and Raw Vegan Foods Retreat! On the Beach in San Diego August Be there and get your Om Shanti Shanti on while eating your weight in veggies.  
Ok so here’s the deal my friends… We are getting to that time of the year where I have to make lodging/accommodations commitments to my vendor that I am using for lodging.  We all need a place to sleep, and she is being flexible with me and is holding the rental units open, but the retreat is in the prime time of the summer and she can’t hold things open much longer with payment.   So, if you are thinking of attending the retreat, please let me know now.  Either my private email or use or leave a comment here and I will get your email address from the comment form. There are a handful of California readers who have told me that you’d like to drop in for a day or two.  I would love to have you, but I would also like to coordinate the drop-ins to be on the same couple of days.  If you are thinking of dropping in, one person has told me she prefers later in the week of Aug 14-21, like Thursday Aug 19th, but for the drop-ins, what are your intentions? Are you coming?  When? See my loves, I want to put the retreat on, but need to secure studio time and lodging, and cannot and will not commit myself financially unless I receive deposits.  Not trying to sound harsh, just being practical.  Plus, one attendee wants to purchase her airfare, so I am trying to juggle alot of balls.  This is your friendly fire-lighting under your booty reminder.  I know some of us hippy yogis are a little mellow and laid-back when it comes to these things, but Please let me know asap.  Come April 1st, I need to make alot of decisions, so please let me know your plans! Questions: 1. Do You Like Seeing Product Reviews?  I never want to bore anyone, and of course it’s always your perogative to skim, scan, or not even read the post, but just I like sharing my opinions of products I try because I feel like maybe it’s helpful and informative or that I alert you to something you may never have come across on your own.  Let me know what your thoughts, though! 2. Do You Have a Spiralizer?  Do You Want One? I never even knew about them til about 6 months ago, but I love mine! 3.What’s your Favorite Shampoo & Conditioner?  I am always on the hunt for new products!  In theory I like the idea of natural and holistic shampoos that are SLS-free, free of parabens and general junky ingredients, but in reality, they don’t leave my hair feeling clean and they are usually pretty pricey.   I am all about products that work, are inexpensive, and readily available…hello drugstore and Target anyone?  Ameena told me she loves Pantene.  I haven’t used it since high school, but I’m totally willing to give it a try.  What are your Favorite Hair Products?  And while we’re at it, face cleansers?  Or how about any health & beauty or personal care product that you just think rocks and you can’t live without it!  Fill me in Please! 5. For the Retreat Attendees, Let Me Know and for the rest of you, I hope you consider it, I promise, it will be awesome!!!!!!!  If you’ve never been on a retreat before, they are amazing, wonderful, and so much fun! Stay Tuned For More Goodies in my Treasure Trove of Finds…

Product Reviews  Yoga   Raw Vegan Foods Beach Retreat - 29Product Reviews  Yoga   Raw Vegan Foods Beach Retreat - 22Product Reviews  Yoga   Raw Vegan Foods Beach Retreat - 39Product Reviews  Yoga   Raw Vegan Foods Beach Retreat - 94Product Reviews  Yoga   Raw Vegan Foods Beach Retreat - 45