And I’m glad you enjoyed my Ten Things that Make me Happy List and Award Everything from Traveling and Spending Time at the Beach To Watching Mindless TV Shows. Did you watch the premier of The Bachelor? I didn’t, but would have liked to! I heard there’s drama. Surprise, surprise. Lots of you wrote in with your guilty pleasure TV Shows so I thought I mention a few more of mine. Serioulsy though, I watch about 15 minutes of TV per week. Not enough! But when I do watch TV, I love the Food Network (Barefoot Contessa and Anthony Bourdin are my faves!), Bravo’s Real Housewives and Millionaire Matchmaker but that’s not on right now. When Jackie Warner’s show, Workout, was on, I loved that. And even though I’m an old soccer mom, I still enjoy the Hills and the City. Whitney yawns alot on the show. Anyone ever notice that? Get more sleep, honey! And back in the day I used to never miss an episode of Survivor. I was supposed to tryout for Survivor but the day of the audition I had strep throat and missed it, and 2 months later found out I was pregnant, so ever since Skylar’s been on the scene, going off to the jungle to eat worms hasn’t happened, but honestly, I would LOVE to be on Survivor! So that’s my TV List…what’s yours??!! Back to the Things that Make me Happy from yesterday Being with Skylar & Scott Moving along to Today… As I mentioned, I’ve been busy. It’s a good busy because Madeline from Greens and Jeans and I finally got our coffee groove back on. We met at a local coffee shop, same place we have met at before and before that, too. Here’s a pic from one of our former coffee-chuggin’ chat sessions. Benefit to Phoenix: Sitting in the sun outside in January and actually sweating while chuggin’ lotsa coffee It was fabulous to catch up with Madeline today!!!! We actually talked about the holidays, trips we want to take, and life in general! Madeline brought me some handmade candles as a belated holiday gift that smell divine! Thanks Madeline for the candle lovin’! Skylar was a very good girl on the coffee date and ate her snacks and didn’t get too much pen on her clothes and drew Madeline lots of scribbles pictures. It was grrrreat catching up with you, Madeline! Next up, some Product Reviews I won some Slim Secrets Bars in Katie’s Give Away! I think high protein, high fiber and wheat free parts are pretty cool. The Chocolate Carmel Bar and a bar made with Real Coffee Beans? Love it! A bar with a White Chocolate Coating which I happen to think is great (and probably not vegan) And of course a rockin’ mint bar, hello, I love mint anything! Remember my Vegan Creme de Menthe Bars or my Raw Vegan Chocolate Peppermint Donut Holes Mint is always tasty! Thanks again for the bars, Katie and Slim Secrets! The next bar to mention… I cracked open a Pro Bar in the Kettle Corn Flavor I’ve mentioned these before, and if you like chunky, hunky pieces of chocolate, nuts, raisins, then Pro Bar’s are your friend. Not pulverized particles of foodstuff which you cannot discern. Huge pieces of goodies to dig your teeth into. Raisins, chocolate chips, nuts, yum! Here’s my previous Pro Bar Review of the Koka Moka The next bars that are up… The Bora Bora Bar People sent me 3 Bars as a Thank You gift for running a Give Away Contest For Them. Next Up… Dr. Flacker’s Crackers in the Rosemary flavor that I won in Michelle of LuckyTasteBuds’ Give Away. Nice Stats & Info, too. Thin & Crispy and full of seedy, fiber goodness. And Real Rosemary Pieces & Flecks! These are somewhat “herby” crackers because of the rosemary, but I happen to love rosemary, so they’re perfect for me. It’s not overpowering or anything. Here’s where I mentioned Flackers before. Or here I talked about the Dill Flackers, too. But moving along… With Homemade Vegan Slaw Dressing. Sweet, tangy, perfect. Never get sick of kale or brock. Ever. Dessert was Ball City. Well actually, it was Vegan Peanut Butter (Sunflower Seed Butter!) Vanilla Balls. Please make these balls, they are sooo easy, and sooo good! And these are Chilly Balls. Yoga Today is Cracking Open my latest copy of Yoga Journal and I am off to teach yoga. Right Now. Ta-ta bloggie friends! Tip of the Day (borrowed from a dear yoga teacher and friend of mine, Stacy McCarthy): At this point, you maybe tired of hearing about New Years Resolutions. Instead I wanted to give you some word contrasts to help you if you feel your in a rut & unable to steer clear of whatever ails you. When you need to get “unstuck” in your life try the following: If you have been sitting, stand. If you have been standing, sit. If you have been traveling, stay home. If you have been home, travel. If you have been teaching, learn. If you have been learning, teach. If you have been talking, listen. If you have been listening, talk. If you have been in a hurry, slow down. If you have been slow, hurry up. I hope you have an auspicious & transformational year! Is there anything you’re stuck with that you need help unsticking? I think we’ve all got that one thing that we can’t seem to quite overcome or that’s a work in progress. For me, as much as I truly love blogging, I spend an inordinate amount of time on the computer from writing my own blog to reading and commenting on others’ blogs to answering emails to just web-surfing because I enjoy that, too. However, it was one of my New Year’s Intentions to balance my tech & computer life with my real life and not get tooooo caught up in cyberland. So that’s something that I’m working on unsticking. What are you working on? And on other matters, do you enjoy the product reviews and mentions? I don’t go into supreme depth and detail with my reviews or anything, but I always like going to other blogger’s sites and seeing cool new food pics and also pics they took of the food with their own camera. Not staged, stock photos. But that’s me, but do you enjoy these reviews? Let me know so I can guide myself going forward, too! Stay Tuned For Yummy Eats…