But I turned around and saw her practicing some yoga.  She was working on bakasana (crane pose).

She just turned four.  But she’s been watching me do yoga since her birth.  Well, technically sooner, since I did yoga while I was pregnant with her so maybe she felt the yoga, too. I don’t ever “practice” yoga poses (asanas) with her.  She just does what she feels like which is how my practice is.  I just work on whatever pops into my head and what my body asks for that day.  Plus, kids are natural yogis.  They just contort, bend, and pop themselves into all kind of poses and take it for granted. Here’s a really old picture of me in bakasana from this post with tips on how to stay up, or get up, in bakasana After chopping all those vegetable it was time to east some.   Spring time means lots of salads with fresh veggies.

I dressed this one with Orange Coconut Lemon Pepper Vinaigrette And also had some leftover Mac-n-Cheeze (Vegan, GF, one-pot) to go with it. Or just pair with Cinnamon Sugar Roasted Chickpea “Peanuts” if you’re craving something a little sweeter. From my last post about In the News and the Influence of Blogs, thanks everyone for the congratulations you extended for my Fox News feature.  It was really exciting for me to be quoted and hopefully just the first and not the last time.  I liked hearing if you’ve had any brushes with fame, too. Everyone seemed to unanimously agree that yes, blogs have incredible influence and power in shaping and influencing purchasing decisions.  Everyone seemed to report that yes, you’ve bought things after seeing them on blogs and that you trust the opinions of bloggers more so than celebrity opinions, for the most part. Dessert:  Who doesn’t love chocolate?  I actually know some people who don’t love it, but they are not from the same planet that I am. Chocolate Chocolate-Chip Cookies (Raw, Vegan, GF.  You can dehydrate them or bake them in the oven) Questions:

  1. If you do yoga, what’s your favorite pose?  Why? I love pincha mayurasana (feathered peacock pose).  I love the feeling of being inverted but balanced on my forearms.   I’m in the pose, here. Inversions and arm balances are poses I really love to practice.  I dig backbends, too, because I love to open my chest and chakras and I like the feeling of being upside down and looking at the world from that vantage point.
  2. Any poses you’re working on in yoga or otherwise? I am working on the: get more sleep pose try not to blow up my slow computer pose laugh more, worry less pose spend more time in my kitchen creating and having fun pose lay on the beach pose (but that’s coming up!) What poses (silly or otherwise) are you working on?
  3. If anyone has any topics you’d like to see me address, recipes you’d like to see more of, questions you’d like answered, I am open to suggestions from your inquiring minds and could do a future post(s) covering the popular requests. Speak now and enjoy your day!

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