comment icon 55 more comments Me + helmet –> riding the moped, so off to the mall we went to find a sturdy and fashionable (heh) helmet. First of all, I should not go to the mall without eating dinner or else I will end up doing what I always do: eating a basket of Mojos. And side note: while searching for that picture of Mojo’s I stumbled upon a RE-CI-PE for Mojo’s. Holy Heaven. That is in my near future. Second of all, the department store helmet selection was lacking variety. And by lacking variety, I mean there were a million and one styles of black, red, and black and white zooba patterned helmets that were clearly made for motorcycle-driving, maybe even motorcycle-racing Filipino men. I don’t mean to be vain or anything but I’d like to NOT wear a zooba helmet for the next ten months. What I would like to do is come home and fry some chicken fingers. Because even though I want to bake them, I really want to fry them more. And they are so crunchily, Parmesanly delicious. Dipped in cheese sauce? Fine. Dumped with cheese sauce? Better. Parmesan Chicken Fingers and Mojos are dancing around together in my head. That’s normal, right? 4.9 from 7 reviews And if you love salt, sprinkle the chicken fingers with coarse sea salt just after removing them from the frying pan. Ohhh yeah.

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