The feeling that I had to go outside and take pictures.

But if you saw this sky from your window, you’d want to take them too, right?

So I told Skylar, “Get your shoes on. We’re going!” And she said, “Where?” I said, “Surprise!” And when we get there, you can do some of this, honey

While Mommy captures this (with my iPhone) And yes, it is possible to take marginally decent pictures with iPhones but I strongly urge editing them.  Strongly urge.   And I captured a whole lot more on my 5D

I’m still editing the images but the ones above and below this sentence are  from my real camera

Walking around the park was wonderful

Skylar ran around like a nut and went, Weeeee!!!! a jillion times Kids get so wound up around dusk.  Seriously. And I went Weeeee!!!! with my camera in my hand. I felt calm. Satisfied. Content. Ahhhh.

We came home and did the dinner, bath, bed routine and then I was browsing through my photos getting ready to edit and remembered this dessert Mixed Berry Clafoutis

Sounds complicated and fussy and has a fancy name But it’s as easy as making pancake batter, pouring it over fruit (fresh or frozen) and then baking it Sweet, rich, dense, custard-ey, and use any fruit you have on hand that’s in season or needs to get used up pronto. But if you’re feeling more no-bakeish lately there’s always these No-Bake Vegan Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls (GF, Vegan, and with a High Protein Option)

  And you don’t even have to get out your Vita or food processor.  Just a bowl + spoon. From my last post, Printing Poorhouse, glad I’m not the only one who feels ripped off by Kinko’s!  And glad to hear most of you don’t bother printing out that much anymore.  Good job. Questions:

  1. What was the last overwhelming feeling, the last I Must Do This feeling, that you had? Other than taking pictures, the urge to do yoga and run are strong and powerful for me. They ground me, center me, fuel me, give me what I need in order to be a better parent and a better person all around.
  2. After you did what you wanted to do, did you feel satisfied?  Did you get that aahhhh feeling and sense of calm contentment? Most definitely, yes, I did. Being outside with my child, my camera, nature, wide open spaces; watching her giggle and laugh and play while I took pictures, was wonderful. It really is the simple things.  Free, easy, basic.  And, The Best. I’ve touched on this before in a post I wrote called Bonding Time, where just celebrating the simple things together with Skylar really makes me swoon with delight.  That’s what nourishes me.

That’s what I want.  My child, my camera, being outside.  Basic stuff.  That is what life is about. What has left you overwhelmingly satisfied lately?

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