Yes, she is very tall for a four year old Good thing Target kids clothes are usually a deal at $4 to $5 per item. I picked up a couple pairs of pants and some dollar bin Easter socks.
And a couple pairs of shorts and a new bikini for her. We’ll need those for our Caribbean getaway that’s coming up.
After some toiletries, toilet paper, and other thrilling items, I was a “good” girl and didn’t even venture into the dishes and kitchen area. I found these towels in the dollar bins even though they were more than a dollar. <– How does that work?
I’ve been so busy that easy, simple food is about all I can manage. Snacking on fresh fruit
And Raw Pasta Salad with Creamy Lemon & Herb Dressing (vegan) makes a fast and easy, fresh meal
With Ginger Coconut Roasted Fennel, Carrots & Potatoes Fennel is a favorite of mine. It really reminds me of spring. And for dessert Vegan Fudge hits the spot. Good thing it’s no-bake, since I don’t have time for anything complicated or fussy these days. From my last post about Posing, it was fun to hear what poses you’re working on in both yoga, and otherwise. It was also a joy to read that many of you with kids have your kids watching you practice and that they try their own little versions of yoga. Cute! Questions:
- Do you remember having growth spurts as a child? Growing up I was, and still am, quite tall. I remember growing about six inches during the school year of 5th grade. I went from about 5’0 to 5’6″ that school year. Nearly an inch per month of height growth! I got growing pains in my legs, I ate like a horse, I outgrew my pants and shoes, monthly. I wore a woman’s size 10 shoe at age 1o and they didn’t stop there. Big foot much? I towered over everyone else, even more so than I did previously. So yes, I remember growing!
- Last Target (or similar store) purchases? I am curious when I read other people’s blogs about what they bought, which brings me back to the major influence of blogs on shaping purchasing decisions. It’s fun to hear what everyone is grooving on and sometimes I hear about great things, and also find some cautionary reviews, too. Gabriela just posted about a dry shampoo she wasn’t loving. At Target yesterday, other than clothes for Skylar, a couple dish towels, I also bought toilet paper, Palmer’s cocoa butter lotion, Carmex, Pantene conditioner for Skylar’s hair, Olay toner for my face, and I bought some goodies for Easter basket making. The Easter Bunny is coming soon, after all! Enjoy your day. It’s almost Friday!