No Bake Vegan Chocolate-Coconut-Chia-Oat Dessert Squares/Energy Bars Into the VitaMonster went *2 Tbsp chia seeds that I ground well *Then I added 4 Tbsp of shredded coconut (mine was sweetened because that’s all I had) *1 Tbsp Maple Syrup *1 Tbsp Agave *Dash Vanilla *2 Squares of the TJ’s Dark Chocolate 73% bar(Or, 2 Tbsp Choco Chips/Carob Chips/Cocao Nibs would all work) *2 Tbsp Oats (afterthought because they were really soupy so I needed something to dry them up) *Blended til everything’s incorporated Put into a freezer container And here’s the up close drool shot And another And after sitting in the freezer a few hours, here ya go, squared off and dusted with powdered sugar. Totally omittable but makes it look pretty. A sifter would be nice, but just a massive sugar dump worked perfectly well ’round here. I also find that rolling things into balls is a total PITA (playing with balls is always a PITA to me, but that’s another topic for another blog). So squares work in this casa. It all tastes the same, right! And then I pimped up Scott’s world by making a shallow grave in a mound of banana softserve and burying a Chocolate Coconut Treat And then I thought, well, he’s going away for a work trip and is workin’ hard for us, so some Cool Whip will take his dessert to X-Rated Proportions. And, it did. Yoga is Plow Pose, aka Halasana :) Averie Tip of the day: Those pesky contests again. My Chia GiveAway and the NuNaturals GiveAway!! With the Vegan Chocolate Coconut Chia Treats recipe you could tweak that in sooo many ways…dates, nuts, add seed or nut buttahs, just jump off with it. With raw “baking” or making sweet things, I just roll with the stash I have on-hand. Chocolate chips, carob chips, dark chocolate bars, oats, nuts, dates & raisins, agave…If you have those things, you can create just about anything raw(ish), vegan, and in short order. And, if you had a dehydrator, you could tweak them down that road, too. Are you a recipe follower or a tweaker? Hope you guys are enjoying the weekend, what’s everyone up to? I am flyin’ solo because my main squeeze is gone and so it’s just me and the lil pumpkin. Work trips on the weekend are sucky, that’s my final answer. Tomorrow…less dessert porn and more green-n-healthy eats. Stay tuned for more spiralizin’….