I had this bag custom made. You want to know where, don’t you? From Porteen Gear on Etsy. The bag was handcrafted by the extremely talented Robyn Porteen. And also thanks to Madeline for tipping me off about Robyn’s great bags!
I hand-selected and chose everything about the bag’s colors and details. In case anyone is serious about ordering one, these were my choices: Accent Fabric: Old World Fan Leather: Chocolate Strap Color: Brown Waxed Canvas: Tan Interior Fabric Color: Teal For more info on the dizzying array of choices, see Robyn’s other website, Porteen Gear. The combinations and permutations on all the different fabrics are mind-boggling and I spent an entire weekend just looking things over. And then looking some more. And changing my mind some more. I am thrilled with how it all came together!
All these amazing pockets will store my DSLR Camera, and the Nifty Fifty Lens. And hopefully many more lenses, one day, too.
The bag has zippers, compartments, and pockets, that just keep going and going. And going. And I love that!
I am thrilled with my bag. Robyn is amazing to work with and made sure I was 100% satisfied with my bag. Her workmanship is amazing, her after-the-sale care has been outstanding, and I know I will have this bag for years to come. I’ve had my pink Chanel Bag for years, so I know when I find a bag I love, I will keep it for a very long time.
From my earlier post and recipe for Chipotle Salsa Lentils with Mixed Vegetables, I’m glad the recipe sounded good to you.
Lots of you mentioned that you haven’t tried making lentils at home because of the “work”. I didn’t soak these, I didn’t do anything “special” or complicated. I just boiled water and added lentils, and in less than a half hour, the whole meal was ready. Dessert: Peanut Butter Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookies (With Peanut Flour, GF & Vegan). If you don’t have peanut flour, use another flour like almond, coconut, whole wheat, etc. I have heard mixed reports on the peanut flour being discontinued but so far, my TJs still is saying, it’s gone and done. Sniff sniff. Questions:
- Do you like bags and purses? I do! I have so many bags. Everything from gym bags, bags I take to work, lunch and on-the-go-snack bags, bags I keep Skylar’s things in, purses, handbags, evening clutches, and that’s not even counting my luggage. Yes, I love bags.
- Have you ever had anything custom made? What was it? Anything you’d like to have custom made? For me, I’ve had: Nike shoes customized with colors. Pink was involved. Furniture that I selected the upholstery and wood choices (from a list) And with a few different houses I’ve owned, I was able to select some of the trim, fixtures, and more final elements like color of carpet and paint. But I’ve never bought a house early enough in the building process to select things like banister color, type of granite, type of tiles on the roof, type of shower head, or that sort of thing. In that sense, I am glad I have never bought a house at when it was just a dirt lot. Thinking about what color to paint the baseboards in the spare bedroom and what size and color knob to put on the toothbrush and hairbrush drawer in the third bathroom is just a bit much. I think it could be a bit crazy-making for me.
- Do you like choices or do they overwhelm you? I love choices but they can overwhelm me. Not always, but sometimes. I think most people overwhelmed with too many choices. Either that, or you start second-guessing the choice you thought you just were “all set” with making. Does that ever happen to you? You choose something and then change your mind. And change it back again? Have a great night!