We had a nice time at the beach yesterday and here are some pictures The sun was going in and out. A few minor sprinkles here and there but nothing that ruined our afternoon. From yesterday’s Pan Seared Ginger & Lemon Pepper Grouper with Sweet Dipping Sauce recipe, thanks to many of you for the compliments on it and for telling me if you’re scared to cook fish or any other foods or recipes that you’re scared to prepare or possibly “mess up”. Seems there was lots of chatter in the comments, too. I’ll just leave it at that. I hope all of you are making progress on your holiday shopping, if you’re shopping at all. Good luck at the malls if you’re venturing out this weekend! Dessert: Vegan Creme de Menthe Bars (No-Bake) Reader Beth has been making batch after batch of these she’s told me. And I know Charlotte has made them, too. For those of you who have no idea what a Creme de Menthe bar tastes like…I would say like an Andes Mint + Peppermint Pattie + Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookies all rolled into one, with a texture similar to that of what chilled fudge would be. Definitely a great holiday recipe! Tips of the Day: $25 Oh Nuts Gift Certificate Give Away! And $50 Chocomize Customize-able Chocolate Give Away! Questions 1. Best thing you’ve done or ate so far this weekend? Being in Aruba, with my family, on the beach (yesterday)! Unfortunately it’s rainy today so we are going to walk around some hotels and see what we can get into. Probably not too much, but it’s worth a try. Later on when it’s clear (hopefully) we’ll probably go for a walk. I’ve been rocking some at home workouts with my water bottle jug weights. Haha! And maybe we’ll go have a drink out. We shall see how the night plays out! 2. I have seen this before but wanted to post it because I really like it. Have you seen it before?
YOU WILL RECEIVE A BODY You may like it or hate it, but it will be yours for the entire period you’re around. YOU WILL LEARN LESSONS You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called life. Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or think them irrelevant and stupid. THERE ARE NO MISTAKES, ONLY LESSONS Growth is a process of trial and error, experimentation. The “Failed” experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately “works”. A LESSON IS REPEATED UNTIL LEARNED A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can then go on to the next lesson. LEARNING LESSONS DOES NOT END There is no part of life that does not contain its lessons. If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned. “THERE” IS NO BETTER THAN “HERE” When your “There” has become a “Here”, you will simply obtain another “There” that will, again, look better than “Here”. OTHERS ARE MERELY MIRRORS OF YOU You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects to you something you love or hate about yourself. WHAT YOU MAKE OF YOUR LIFE IS UP TO YOU You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours. YOUR ANSWERS LIE INSIDE YOU The answers to life’s questions lie inside you. All you need to do is look, listen and trust. YOU WILL FORGET ALL THIS Unless you consistently stay focused on the goals you have set for yourself, everything you’ve just read won’t mean a thing.
3. Which Lesson resonates most with you? I think #4 for me. Whenever I do something “stupid” and then end up kicking myself because I “knew better”, I always think back to #4. A Lesson is Repeated Until Learned. So until I learn it, The Universe will keep giving me opportunities and chances to show myself that I have got the lesson mastered, i.e. I will keep doing that same “stupid thing” until I have learned the lesson once and for all. But then #5 through #9 are all really profound, too. And #1. If we could all just accept this, wouldn’t life be so much better and easier. We have a body, it is. It exists. It’s ours. We are responsible for it. Great. Next, please. 4. Do you have any Life Lessons, or Inspirational Messages, Quotes, tidbits, etc. that are really profound and have really helped you? Why and what are they? Have a great weekend, everyone!