It was reformulated and I don’t like what they did to it. I thought they just changed the packaging but they changed the actual product, too. I don’t think  it’s “70% better” It’s not “New & Improved” for me. I thought it was perfect just the way it was. I use buttery spray in most all of my baking. From the No-Bake Chocolate Special K Bars to Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies to White Chocolate Vanilla Marshmallow Cake Bars

to Samoas Bars

I always use cooking spray.  Nothing worse that all the work of baking only to have the precious final product stick to the pan.  I even spray my aluminum foil.  No risking stickage here. I also like the way buttery spray coats popcorn in a uniform way which doesn’t always happen when drizzling real butter over the top.  The cooking spray down method prevents the drenched on some pieces but dry on others problem. I like buttery spray rather than just regular or plain cooking spray because I like the buttery flavor.  Buttah makes things better. But the new formulation has an “off” smell and and off taste to me.  I’ve actually gone to a half dozen grocery stores in the area and to Target to try to scoop up any remaining old formulation cans of Pam, but no such luck.  The “new and improved” is on the shelves in all the stores it appears. And yes, there is Coconut Oil Spray but I don’t always want that.  Sometimes I just want Buttery Spray.  I guess I could just melt butter but it’s not the same as a quick blast of the ole’ spray. Not a huge problem in life, clearly, but ya know. It would be a big problem though if the Deep Dish Double Chocolate Golden Grahams Smores Bars (Vegan & GF options) stuck to the pan.  Must.use.spray.


  1. Do you have a favorite cooking spray?  Have you used a Misto? There’s neutral/no-taste sprays, i.e. plain, original, and “baking” tend to be pretty flavorless. There’s also the more noticeably flavored sprays like coconut oil spray, olive oil spray, buttery spray, grilling-flavored spray, and others. If you have any sprays you love, I’m all ears. I’ve never tried a Misto, either.  Maybe I should try that.  Are they messy or a pain to use?
  2. Are there any products that have been reformulated or become “new and improved” but you wish they had been left the way they were? Hair products, shampoo, conditioner, makeup, lotion, lipstick and lipgloss, toothpaste; I find health and beauty products in general notorious for this. Sometimes the texture of the paper in toilet paper, paper towels, or tissues changes, too.  Did the cotton fields start making different cotton one day? Condiments like salad dressing or mustard get reformulated, too.  There was a Catalina French salad dressing that Scott loved that just became “new and improved” but now he doesn’t like it anymore. P.S. Last chance to enter to win a $25 Gift Card!

New and Improved - 35New and Improved - 28New and Improved - 85New and Improved - 66New and Improved - 8New and Improved - 77