A black cat just chilling. I think the cat is well fed. What do you think? And then I was walking past one of the dozens of restaurants within a block of my home, all which have outdoor patio areas, and noticed a man studying. With his two “un-leashed” birds just standing on the railing that bordered the outdoor eating/patio areas. The white bird was more stand-offish and just stood on the railing.
But this smaller and more colorful bird was scampering up and down the railings.
Walking back and forth, shuffling it’s little feet
Moving side to side on the railing
I was pretty surprised the birds didn’t try to fly away and that the man was so chill about not having them somehow “leashed”. I am obviously not a bird person because I guess I assume that birds will always fly away, or try. Clearly these were his pets and they just stayed on the railings next to him. Maybe their wings were clipped? I have no idea.
As as aside, it would have freaked me out if I was trying to dine next to birds.
I have a semi-phobia of flying birds and their, ahem, waste. It stems from childhood memories and Florida family vacations and tourists feeding the seagulls massive amounts of human food. Do the math.
Ever since childhood, I really don’t like birds too much. I am not scared of them, but I just don’t really like them too close to me. I fear that they will, well, you know…all over me.
Not to mention, it seems like it would be a health code violation to have birds that close to food. Then again, people bring their dogs all the time into restaurants, grocery stores, and malls here so I guess it’s not much different.
After my walk was over, I followed up my animal sightings with some plant eating.
A crunchy, fresh salad + Vegan Slaw Dressing
And some Mango Ginger Maple Tofu From my last post about Granola and Granola Bars, many of you said you do make your own granola at home and told me your fave recipes. For anyone who is still buying granola, try making it at home. It’s so easy and you’ll save so much money! I’m glad you enjoyed my granola and granola bar recipes as jumping off points. Thanks for all the great comments on that post! Dessert: Peanut Butter Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookies (Vegan, GF) Questions:
- Do you have any phobias or fears? Either of animals or otherwise? I would not really call my dislike of flying birds a phobia. I just don’t really like birds. Just like I don’t like onions but I am not phobic or fearful of them. I also hate ants! They skeeve me, make me shudder, and where there is one, there are 25 behind it. I would say they definitely creep me out. And snakes, yes. Fear and phobia. As well as most other reptiles. Ick! Not for me! Also, big dogs (un-leashed), yes, I tread lightly around them. Gosh answering this question made me realize a few things. However, I am not afraid of elevators, small spaces, I’m not claustrophobic, I am not afraid of clowns, or losing my teeth or some things I’ve read are “common” fears or phobias.
- Is it common for people where you live to bring their pets out in public places like stores or restaurants? When I first moved to California, I will never forget the day I was in Nordstrom trying on $200 jeans when a lady’s toy chihuahua walked into my dressing room. Ever since then, when I go to the mall, I see dozens and dozens of tiny, purse-sized dogs along for some shopping in stores like Neiman Marcus to Victoria’s Secret to hanging out at their owner’s feet in open-air cafes. Or just hanging out in their owner’s purses being pampered with doggie nail polish and hair barrettes on. And I’m not kidding. In my neighborhood, there are lots of young, childless, fabulous people who treat their dogs (and apparently birds) as their children and bring them everywhere. Many times I wish I came back in my next lifetime as a toy poodle in this zip code because oh boy, it would be a very pampered existence!
- Best thing you ate or did over the weekend? I hung out with Skylar and enjoyed our 78F and sunny weather on Saturday. Sunday it was rainy, cold, and nasty.
P.S. If you’re just catching up on posts from the weekend, here are mine since Friday:
Granola, Granola Bars, & Oats Blue Food & Fun Toppings Photography Homework & iPhone Apps Recap Got an iPhone Drinking Water