comment icon 65 more comments Excuse me, JAMMING to One Direction. Why am I susceptible to the music of tween girls? EEEEE. I have a crush on all pop music ever. Cause it would be totally normal that my adult ears would gravitate towards songs with little to no meaning but a get-up-and-move-right-now beat, right? It sounds like candy in my ears. What kind of a person adoringly eats a beautiful Moroccan Salad with dates, pistachios, bulgur, spinach, oranges, and creamy homemade Cilantro Orange Dressing while listening to a boy band sing about dancing all night? Stop looking at me like that. I blame the one and only Backstreet Boys for luring me into the pop music scene as a vulnerable 6th grader. If mirrors could talk, mine would have years of awkward middle school hairbrush microphone type stories to tell. Because I Want It Thaaaaat Way. ♫ N’Sync had me for a while back in the day, and Justin T, of course, has me still. One Republic can turn my day around in three seconds flat. I have Taylor Swift’s latest album basically memorized, and I may or may not have been at one time a Belieber. Is this getting too personal? The good news is that I now enjoy some nice acoustic adult-ish covers of my favorite bubblegum pop songs thanks to bands like Boyce Avenue and Kina Grannis. Thank you, mature musicians who appreciate pop music, for supporting my addiction. Now that we have that important stuff the way, let’s talk salad. I’ve had this salad for 4 out of the last 6 meals. This salad doesn’t mess around, friends. Sweet, lovey salad. I want to SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS. I think I like it better than any other salad I’ve made this year. Even the Kale, Pomegranate, and Wild Rice Salad. I KNOW – I loved that one too but this one just has a zing that has me weak in the knees. And Bjork, too. fist bump Please take a moment to focus on this: Cilantro Orange Dressing. I literally put the whole (peeled) orange in the food processor and zing! Creamy, wonderful, healthy, flavorful dressing. A handful of fresh cilantro or mint or both, and some vinegar and oil to boot, and this wins dressing of the year award. The bulgur, dates, pistachios, oranges, and spinach are a color + texture power combo that will make your body feel happy. Nutrition, yo. Three days to the weekend. Mwah. 4.4 from 10 reviews

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