Stuck in the cracks of our placements, bleeding red and green dye under our fingernails, and sticking to my bare feet. comment icon 153 more comments It’s the kind of thing where you say to yourself, “Why did I do that again?” Not the cookies. I mean the kids. The kids doing the cookies. In our apartment And then the neighbors getting invited in from their peeking post at the window. The shyness. The laughter. The little hands that made their way into sticky mouths. The lack of a vacuum cleaner. I’m still sweating. Highlight reel includes: Then I took these glamour shots of the frosted, sprinkled, cutie pie chocolate thumbprint cookies in some pre-typhoon light. Yeah, like Super Typhoon Bopha that ripped through the Philippines earlier this week. That happened. {FYI: we stayed safe here in Cebu as the storm passed mostly to the south of us. But let’s all please send our thoughts and prayers to the communities in the neighboring islands who lost homes, and also the families who lost loved ones. Although the storm was far less destructive than it could have been, there are many people who experienced and will continue to experience significant loss.} That pre-typhoon light was totally gorgeous. I felt a little distracted and flighty and nervous and all, as I often do about these typhoon sorts of things. Power went out mid-shoot at which point I started to put my stuff away, at which point I realized that you don’t need electricity for a food photo shoot. What?! Somehow that was stressful. The wind picked up. Just when I thought it wasn’t possible, the light got even better. Sprinkles were flying in the wind and squishing between my toes because team sprinkle cleanup didn’t quite pan out like we had hoped, so there’s still sprinkles. Three days later. Everywhere. Cookie –> mouth. And again. These are fudgy bliss. Unless you don’t want them to be fudgy, in which case you can bake them on the longer end and let the frosting set longer and you’ll end up with more of a shortbready sort of thing. No further comment. If you can seriously resist underbaking these, I don’t think I know you. PS. I tried/started/practiced making a video on my iPhone. Fun times! What do you cool kids think are the best movie making apps? 3.8 from 25 reviews The recipe makes about 3 dozen cookies.

And no, those are not my pajamas. Nope nope nope.

Mini Chocolate Thumbprint Cookies Recipe - 55Mini Chocolate Thumbprint Cookies Recipe - 91Mini Chocolate Thumbprint Cookies Recipe - 86Mini Chocolate Thumbprint Cookies Recipe - 46Mini Chocolate Thumbprint Cookies Recipe - 58Mini Chocolate Thumbprint Cookies Recipe - 79Mini Chocolate Thumbprint Cookies Recipe - 68