comment icon 106 more comments These gingerbread scones are a) jumbo, because I accidentally made them huge – oops? b) soft and delicately crumbly like a good scone should be, and c) full of warm and wonderful gingerbread flavors like cinnamon, cloves, molasses, and ginger that basically bring the best of the best holiday feelings right on into your house. Also noteworthy: these gingerbread scones are refined sugar free – they’re sweetened naturally with maple syrup and molasses – which feels extra awesome around this time of year, right? So two points for that! Annnd if I were a REALLY saintly person I would have stopped there and not spooned that sweet, perfectly creamy, sets-like-a-dream maple glaze all over the refined sugar free scones. But I’m coming to terms with the fact that I am not that saintly person right now, and this glaze is my absolute all-time favorite, and I wouldn’t love the scones with the same wild, reckless abandon if they were missing that free-flowing maple-flavored sweetness taking over the tops, so I think we can all see how that gingerbread scone story ended. EMBRACING. Thank you for your support and acceptance of all my confused, glaze-loving sugar selective food blogger ways and a very Merry Christmas to all. ♡♡♡ Yesterday was awesome. It snowed again! and so I made Maple Glazed Gingerbread Scones like the happy little winter kitchen elf that I am. We’ve had some really weird weather lately in the form of a 50 degree heat wave that melted all our snow – the grass was all mushy, and it smelled like spring, and it was really NOT OKAY. This is Minn-e-soh-ta. it’s almost Christmas and I demand that we be covered in a beautiful blanket of white so that I can sit and look out the window eating gingerbread scones with my coffee every morning, noon, and night. As of yesterday, problem solved! Snow – check. Scones – check. Me sitting around feeling sentimental – check. Yesterday, in addition to snow and gingerbread scones, I went to a Serial podcast party. Which is a real thing in my life right now like but seriously I mean it A SERIAL PARTY. It was a time dedicated to warm drinks, Christmasy snacks, and sitting in rocking chairs by the fireplace while reviewing transcripts of all the episodes this season and analyzing every possible angle of this case. I don’t even know what to say right now after countless hours spent in the depths of the Serial subreddit and hours of real life conversation that took place last night except that I’m 50/50 completely down the middle in terms of whether or not A.S. is guilty, and I have a bad feeling that Sarah is not going to give us any closure in the last episode tomorrow. UGH! Come ON, Sarah. If you listen and you have a theory/opinion/hope for how this thing is going to end, please satisfy my extreme need to talk about things and tell me errrrrything. It will be like we’re having a Serial party of our own except virtually via the comments section of a food blog. Not even weird at all. The only thing I’m not nervous for tomorrow is the part where I will sit down with my earbuds and the podcast all queued up and get 200% cozy with a blanket, a coffee, and a Maple Glazed Gingerbread Scone while looking out the window at the snowy white. purrr 4.7 from 16 reviews