Blue skies and palm trees

Lots of watermelon eating. Okay, you got me.  I didn’t eat all of these. But I went to town on this beauty. Why can’t it be watermelon season year round? Also included: Skylar putting her dolls down for a nap. If only I could put her down for a nap.  She’s apparently a chip off the old block and seems to need only a fraction of the sleep other kids seem to need.   “But I’m not tired, Mommy.”  When I was her age I actually slept.  And liked it. 
I passed this sign on my run.

Even though I didn’t stop off for a cocktail all hot and sweaty mid-run…   …I did come home and make a snack with Dark Rum Caramel Sauce + Triscuits + Chocolate Chips

I used to live on Triscuits + Peanut Butter and lots of vodka on the rocks with marschino cherries.   <– Actually, that was a pretty common “dinner” from ages 21-26.  Unbalanced?  Yes. Wonderful memories that I’d never trade?  Yes! You only live once, may as well make the most of it. And I made the most of this snack.

I really can’t eat these Triscuits anymore, though.   It’s a major bummer because I love them so much and they are such a versatile cracker.  I laid off them for at least five years, and tried them again a month or so ago, and then re-tried them this week, and they are a no-go.  I suffered major GI distress from them. I can tolerate some gluten again and am less sensitive overall because I’ve healed my gut, but as I mentioned about nuts yesterday, I really can’t tolerate nuts.  Or the gluten in the Triscuits. Good thing I enjoyed these because no more. Not worth the tummy ache and all the other gluten “poisoning” symptoms like pounding headache and major GI issues.  Ugh. But I encourage you to try my little snack. I will be eating my own version of Homemade Mary’s Crackers from now on Easy and you can bake them in the oven. Vegan and Gluten Free.  <— key And with the Dark Rum Caramel Sauce you can dip fresh fruit like apples, pears, peaches, bananas (or veggies like sugar snap peas, carrot or zucchini sticks) into it, too. Everything tastes better with dark rum + caramel Funny the gluten in White Chocolate Blondies with Chocolate Peanut Butter Frosting does not bother me.  I’m not just saying that.  It really doesn’t if I eat say one blondie per day.

I think the way in which wheat is processed and milled and way in which certain foods are processed and made definitely effects whether or not I can tolerate it. Food allergies, intolerances, and sensitives are such tricky beasts! From my earlier post, thanks for the compliments about me in my new tshirt.   Yes, I am digging it!  Thanks again, Callie! And it was fun to read about what’s been making you feel foxy lately.  Or a lil sassy! Questions:

  1. Are there any foods that you are no longer including in your diet for whatever reason?   Some people eliminate foods on account of food allergies or intolerances. Some people stop eating meat or animal products because they have moral or ethical issues with it.  When I was in Mexico City and saw all the meat in the markets, all the blood and slaughter, it really reinforced my commitment to a plant-based diet.  I just do not have it in me to see dead chickens hanging upside down and say, gee, I think I’ll have chicken today.   Not that I was close to that or planning on it but it was one of those life moments I just won’t ever forget. However, to each her own!  I truly don’t care what anyone else does or eats, but for me personally, it’s a no go. Some people no longer feel certain foods are “healthy” choices.  Again, to each her own what you deem “healthy”, but I actually believe in an moderation approach.  So even if a brownie isn’t “healthy”, I still include it in my dietary path.  In moderation.  I look at the big picture, the forest not the tree, and don’t sweat the small stuff or obsess about one brownie, one cookie, one this or that, when the overwhelming majority of my diet is “healthy” and balanced.    I am also not really into ‘healthifying’ desserts.
  2. What did your day include that was fun or made you smile? Mine included restocking my fresh produce.  It’s the little things sometimes. Last reminder for the Glass Straw Giveaway.  Winner announced Friday.

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