Stopped and smelled the rosemary in front of TJ’s

    It grows wild here like lavender does so I don’t buy it but I do love to cook with it. Nothing beats the combo of roasted potatoes with some rosemary Or roasted potatoes with dill Lemon & Dill Roasted Potato Sticks

I also noticed all the frozen potato varieties that TJ’s has Lots of options Now that the weather is cooling off, I think it’s time to think about firing up my oven and roasting some taters. I know Scott will be happy because he loves potatoes in any way, shape, or form. I prefer mine to be sweeter such as: Cinnamon Sugar & Ginger Roasted Potato Sticks

Or just Roasted Sweet Potato Fries with a sprinkle of cinnamon, ginger, or even brown sugar But Scott prefers more savory tater recipes like Coconut and Olive Oil Roasted Potato Sticks (i.e. Baked French Fries)


  1. Do you buy pre-made bags of potatoes?  If so, any favorites? I never buy bags of potatoes because it’s they’re easy to make them at home. Plus it’s cheaper to make them at home and I am not a fan of added sodium, garlic, or onions and most pre-made or frozen food tends to be high in one, or all, of those items. But let me know your favorites. Has anyone tried these?

I’ve heard great things about them!  As in, one bag per sitting kind of great things.   2. And, you know that old expression, “I say potato, you say potato”. I say po-TAY-toe. Does anyone say pa-TAH-toe? 3. What’s your favorite way to eat potatoes?    I like potatoes, they’re fine. But I don’t get super excited over them the way Scott does.  Or the way my dad does. What’s the quickest way to a man’s heart?  Through his stomach.  <– Preferably with potatoes, I’ve determined. If I am going to eat warm carbs, I’d like it in the form of this kind of warm carb Snickers Bar Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies


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