Except Skylar’s cuter and I had these photos in my iphoto stash to use and simplicity is the name of my game right now.  

Why am I so extremely excited? Because I made the move to a self-hosted Wordpress blog.   And I am thrilled! This day, however, and many, many days leading up to today has been filled with glitches. I think I need one of these   This move has been something I should have done ages ago and plan to post about what was holding me back from doing it sooner, but for now, I am just wanting to click Publish.  I have that giddy feeling that reminds me of the first time I hit publish on my very first blog post, closing in on two years ago. From my last post about Starting off your Day, it was great to hear what you usually do to start off your day, and whether your days have a pattern to them.  Or not. And I am glad you enjoyed my Coffee Reviews.  I had been meaning to compile something like that for awhile and glad it was helpful. And yes, I think I have sampled most every TJ’s coffee that’s in the medium to full/dark genre. I am so excited for this day!  And its time to go nuts. On chickpea “peanuts”. Carmelized Cinnamon Sugar Roasted Chickpea “Peanuts” These do taste quite a bit like peanuts.  Just bake them long enough so they get as crunchy as possible.

  Dessert calls for Vegan White Chocolate Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups

  Vegan White Chocolate Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups Questions: 1.  Tell me what you think about my new blog! Some of you may not be able to see my new blog until your server picks up on things.  That could happen  almost immediately as it did for some of you already. Or, it could take up to 24 hours.  I happen to be not able to see my own new blog unless I access things in a really round-about way from behind the scenes. So if you don’t see my new blog right away, don’t worry.  All the changes will work themselves out in the next 24 hours or so.  I hope! And I am just now realizing that some of the links in my recipe page aren’t directly properly.  This will be sorted out soon. 2. What’s made you happy today? My new blog, getting this blog migration monkey off my back, and the excitement I have going forward about blogging! 3. Wordpress bloggers who use a MAC. When you import your photos into Wordpress’ posting platform screen (not using Ecto, image resizing programs, or other additional things, just old school — import the photos from my iphoto) what size do you select? Medium seems too small and large is too big. So I went with large and then just kind of downsized them on-screen with my mouse by making the boxes smaller. Any picture inserting tips for me?  Don’t tell me to use Flickr or Ecto first.  Baby steps, my friends….haha! And with that, I click Publish on my very first Wordpress Blog Post! See you later on! **EDITED TO ADD:  I realize the links are not going to the right places.  A massive headache that will get resolved..soon.  Thanks for your patience.

I Made the Move  - 31I Made the Move  - 6I Made the Move  - 20