comment icon 65 more comments Yes. Stay with me here. Because my second goal is to get you to use your rice cooker to make your breakfast for you. And then my third goal is to get you to truly enjoy steel cut oats. Because I know, like, one crazy person who actually likes a big bowl of those harsh grains, and I am not that one person. Harsh is a weird way to describe food, but do you know what I mean? They’re just… too much on their own. So when I think delicious breakfast involving any ingredient named steel, I think of this little one: bananas, almonds, honey, steel cut oats, regular oats, AND bulgur. That’s right – triple grain! And honey-nut sweet. I’m in love. These are the things that keep my life interesting. Because let’s be honest – I’ve had the same breakfast oatmeal for the last five years. Somewhere deep down, I really do want to branch out in the oats department. But I have a hard time letting go of things like pumpkin oats, apple cinnamon bran oats, and Lord help me, double chocolate oats. That’s why I kept the regular oats in this rice cooker breakfast combo. They make it familiarly (wow – really? spell check counts that as a word?) soft and fluffy, while the bulgur gives a little texture and nutty flavor and the steel cut brings the … whatever steel cut is supposed to bring. But if steel cut is not your thing AT ALL, and you can’t even fathom the thought of mixing it together with a few other grains and topping it with the most heavenly sweet, crunchy-nutty goodness, you can still do this! Remember my primarily goal for this post? To encourage you to get a rice cooker to make your breakfast for you. Ohhyeah. This can work with any kind of grains! I’ve used rolled oats with wheat berries, bulgur with steel cut, quick oats with, um, brown rice. Cause it’s a rice cooker and cause I love carbs. You don’t even need a recipe for this. You just need to choose some grains, dump ’em in, and turn on your rice cooker to make a perfectly cozy and filling breakfast for you. Okay? Okay. By the way, at home, I have this little cutie rice cooker. It’s red and tiny and awesome. 4.9 from 8 reviews So does anyone else actually have one of these things or am I just obsessed because I live in the Philippines?