Complete with a mini bar of soap in it and Germs 101 note affixed
I know one day I’ll look back on these handprints and remember how small 4 year olds really are Even though, yes, she’s extremely tall for her age. 100th percentile, just like I was as a kid. But til then, she gave me the ole Talk to the Hand when I was trying to take her picture in the bright sunlight
I took my little handful inside and we ate a few handfuls of homemade trail mix
And I would like to have a few handfuls of any of these: Vegan GF Peanut Butter Chex Mix, aka “Puppy Chow” Addictively wonderful Big.Time. Raw Vegan Caramels or Nut Butter-Filled Caramel Bites (3 ingredients and so easy) Granola (Vegan, GF) Chocolate Coconut Oil Protein Popcorn No Bake Vegan Rum Cake Balls No Bake Vanilla Cake Batter Chocolate Truffles
Questions: Are there any foods in your house that every time you walk past your kitchen you grab a handful? Or want to grab a handful of every time you pass by? The healthiest thing I love to grab a handful of is probably edamame I always keep some edamame cooked and in a tupperware in the fridge and I will frequently graze on it. Sugar snap peas are another fave. Provided I don’t get my toes rolled over in the process of buying them. Thanks for all your kind words and equally Can’t Believe She Said That (or Did That) stories. Frozen mango chunks, frozen grapes, or a handful of berries or fruit are other handful foods.
But let’s face it, it’s usually more fun to grab a handful of chocolate chips or something sweet. Right? No Bake Coconut & Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites
Thanks for the Hoodie & Leggings Giveaway Entries. Keep ’em coming!