Will you be going out? Or will you be staying in and keeping your pumpkin company?
Maybe passing out candy to the kiddos? Being that the “holiday” falls on a Monday, there’s a built-in opportunity to turn this weekend into one big long and drawn out party. Starting Thursday night and continuing through Monday night for some, I’m sure. It won’t be quite as crazy here as Pride Weekend, but close to it.
Scott and I have a Princess to take out trick or treating. We don’t have any big party plans. Skylar is having a Halloween party at school. That’s one more party than Scott and I will be attending. Long gone are the crazy party days and vodka-infused Halloweens. Yes, we had fun. We drank lots of these.
But now it’s more like one of these
Not even sure if we will get any trick or treaters.
But we won’t be around to find out since we’ll be gone and out with Skylar helping her to have fun.
I’d like to say I’d make White Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups with Chocolate Peanut Butter Centers and pass them out the kids but no, I’ll be keeping them all for myself. You can’t give out homemade candy anyway these days. Questions:
- Do you have Halloween plans?
- Do you think Halloween has become an excuse for adults to dress up in skimpy outfits, get really drunk, and party like rock stars for days? <– Have you ever been one of ‘those people’? I do feel like Halloween is a mini New Years Eve, in many respects. Lots of scantily clad women (and in my neighborhood, scantily clad men, too) who drink way too much, and are out hootin’ and hollerin’ and screaming in the streets and acting crazy, and it goes on for days leading up to the ‘holiday’. And because it’s on a Monday this year, I know all weekend will be crazy here. That’s ok. Makes for fun people-watching! And nothing wrong with it, either. I’ve been there. It was fun, but life moves on. P.S. Reminder to enter the Asian Foods Giveaway that ends tomorrow And if you have one spare second, could you please Vote for Me in the Delta/Biscoff Bake-Off. Thank you! I really appreciate it.