Right in the driver’s line of sight as you’re looking out the windshield. Nice. Not sure what I’m going to do yet if I will file a claim with my insurance company or just eat it and pay for it out of pocket. Sigh. Not cool. Karma’s a bee-otch but not sure why the Universe threw a rock at me today, literally and figuratively. Hmmmm. Maybe I shouldn’t look for deeper meaning. Maybe a rock is just a rock. Do you ever feel that some sort of karma hit you that you totally didn’t deserve? What was the situation? Well on lighter matters, I am so glad you all enjoyed the Raw Vegan Dark Chocolate Cherry Balls from yesterday! Yes, chocolate and cherries are a pretty failsafe flavor combo. So I hope you get your Balls On and make them! (Ball Jokes are here) And thank you for all the Great Cell Phone Insights! Verizon vs. AT &T, Blackberry vs. iPhone and thank for telling me about all the new phones that I didn’t even know where coming out or that have just come out. Awesome info, thanks gang! So after I was hit with flying rocks, I came home with all my groceries. Got my Greenery On: Organic Greens, Broccoli, and Kale. How I love thee ‘o kale And my Reds: Bell Peppers and Tomatoes And Various Fruit: Apples, Bananas, Oranges, and Grapefruit And a stash of Bars, and most of them were on sale for a $1 buck each. Cool! I am most looking forward to this one. Luna Protein Chocolate Peanut Butter. because of the 12g of Protein! And decent calorie count. Unless you’re competing in an Ironman, I really think snack-sized bars should clock in around 200 calories, not 300-350+. But that’s me. Your mileage may vary, no pun intended. And I’m also looking forward to the Luna because Evan said that the Luna Protein Cookie Dough is his fave bar of all time and that’s a big statement for this Bar Reviewer! What is your favorite bar of all time? I try to keep dairy, gluten, and soy out of my life but most bars you find at the regular grocery store have at least one of those ingredients. Sigh. What’s your fave bar? Or what are your top few choices? Why? So after lots of veggie washing & choppin’, and the laundry going, I got the mail sorted. And oh yeah, all this while taking care of Skylar, not quite 3 years old, so it’s not like I can turn my back on her for more than 27 seconds. In the mail today, I received a sampling of Arbonne products from reader Gina. Here’s her info. I am really excited to try the Vegan, Gluten-Free, Ready-to-Drink Protein Drinks. 20g of Protein and 190 Calories per drink. Wow!!! Thanks, Gina for the goodies, including the trial sizes of Arbonne’s beauty products. And remember the Blogger Meetup with Bekah of Beek Eats and Madeline from Greens and Jeans that I had mentioned over the weekend, but forgot my camera? Well, thanks to Bekah we’re in business with some photos, courtesy of Miss Bekah! Left to Right in All 3 Pics: Madeline, Me, Bekah Last night’s dinner was raw kale, brock, cauli, tomatoes, and cukes. With Homemade Vegan Slaw Dressing. Sweet, tangy, perfect. I eat a version of this salad pretty much daily. I am a creature of habit when it comes to this one! And of course, a few Raw Vegan Dark Chocolate Cherry Balls for dessert! Yoga Today is Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana As I asked in the body of the post, Do you ever feel that some sort of karma hit you that you totally didn’t deserve or didn’t see coming? Like flying rocks! haha! What was the situation? In general, I believe in karma and that people do get what they deserve, but there are times and people, who for whatever reason, do get a string of back luck, bad experience, and just bad things seem to plague them. On the flip side; however, I also believe that in life we create our own “luck” by the prior choices we’ve made and foundations we’ve laid. “Lucky” = Where Experience and Preparation MEET The Right Opportunity. For example, if someone lives in a big beautiful house, sure, they may have gotten lucky and won the lottery to get that house, but chances are, they worked hard, made appropriate choices, and created their own “luck” which landed them in their casa grande. Of course, there are tons of exceptions to all of this! In general though I do believe in karma, but I also believe in hard work, determination, and creating your own “luck”. What’s your take on all of this? What do you believe? Why do some people seem to “have it all” and others just can never seem to get things together? And if you don’t feel like talking about karma, what’s your fave bar? Stay Tuned For A Ball-Worthy Post. Based on reader’s requests, I am going to consolidate my balls. All my ball recipes, I mean…