Followed by a trip to the zoo mall to buy waveboards, remote control cars, and watches for the kids at the orphanage. I’ve been asking around with the preteen kids to find out everyone is hoping for this year, and some of their gift ideas just plain old MELT me. Like my girls told me, in all seriousness, that they want math workbooks. For working on MATH. And plain white paper, and stickers, and “ball pens”. And jeans. Ok, fine, I’ll buy it all for everyone. High on my personal list this year: In other news, did you know that the only thing better than eating Gingerbread French Toast in your red thrift store Tshirt and striped pajama shorts is watching it happen all over again on your iPhone, set to twinkly music, so many times that your husband asks you to put in headphones?  Well, it is.

How To Make Our Gingerbread French Toast:

Sweetened condensed milk, powdered sugar, and maple syrup. It’s like my life just flashed before my eyes, in the best possible way. It’s also like we have ants now. But anyways. You probably need to get going on your gingerbread. Oh happy day! Ginger-bread, Ginger-bread, French Toast all the wayyyy! No reviews Awyeah.

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