And here come the sweatpants. Except, um, it’s 90 degrees in my house. Why would I bake and then wear sweatpants in a house where I break a sweat just sitting at the computer? I’ll tell you why. Because peeling your legs off of a leather chair more than five times in an hour deserves at least five of these. You need them, too, right? I think you do. It has something to do with that thick, crumbly Oreo topping. And do I even have to tell you about the extremely fudgy inside to these Oreo brownies that I’m sure you’ve already noticed and maybe even drooled over? Yeah, I didn’t think so. What I do need to tell you is that these are not hard to make. They come together in a snap and they could probably be made with a mix, if you’re really short on time. I can test that out for you tomorrow if you want. Life? What life? The one where I need to go into my classroom and get ready for the school year? Oh yeah, that one. No reviews I’m just a little distracted right now.