Although there are no Kroger’s by me, Ralph’s is in the same family of grocery stores and the card is good at Ralph’s. I live very close to a Ralph’s and that’s my go-to grocery store. My second home. I tucked the gift card into my wallet and had no trouble using it.
I am always replenishing my produce stash. I knew I’d have no trouble using my free grocery money.
You can barely see the little Kroger brand logo on this salad mix, but it’s there. (Even though I got the salad mix at Ralph’s). See, I knew they were part of the same “family” of stores.
Dressed with homemade vegan Creamy Lemon & Herb Dressing
I made some Sweet ‘n Tangy Chicken-less Salad to go with the green salad. <—That’s the green food I ate for St. Paddy’s Day. And there was also Raw Vegan Coconut Oil Chocolate for dessert.
From my last post about What you Stash, it was fun to hear what you stash and stockpile. From produce to snack bars to chocolate. You all are hoarders. Kidding. Questions:
- If you had $25 to spend at the regular grocery store, what would you buy? Or what do you normally buy with your grocery budget? Most of my grocery money goes toward fresh produce. Around that I add plant-based protein like edamame, tofu, nuts, seeds. Then I think condiments, sauces, dips. And coffee. I did two posts that you may find relevant: Tips for Saving Money on your Grocery Budget (I covered things like I can buy twice the amount of food if I don’t buy organic, why I hardly ever step foot in WF’s, etc.) and My Pantry & Refrigerator Staples (common, easily sourced items I always have and can make pretty much anything from scratch that I want to eat, from what I have on hand)
- Weekend Plans? I am possibly getting together with a friend. And I am most definitely working, doing housework, cooking, cleaning, and you know, sitting on the couch watching soaps and eating bon-bons. Or eating No-Bake White Chocolate Mango Cookie Dough Bites.
And enjoying some of this great weather we’re having in San Diego!
Enjoy your weekend!