Remember when I reorganized my pantry? Well the things I totally forgot I had gifts just keep coming.  Like these Brad’s Raw Chips. These are tasty and if you like Cheeze-I’s or Doritos, you could maybe pretend you’re eating one of those with these.  Not really, but ya know, I’m trying to find the silver gluten-free lining because I loved both Cheeze-Its and Doritos when I was growing up.

I can definitely taste the garlic and scallions in them.  For me, that’s not great because I am not a fan of garlic and onions.  But if you’re looking for a GF Vegan cracker or chip, other than say a Mary’s Cracker, these are good.  They are far lighter and less dense than a Mary’s, too.

  Or just make your own crackers…. Vegan GF Crackers From my Sights Around Here post…

… and Being Silent, or not. Many of you said you struggle with being silent.  And that you explain yourself and talk in circles many times when really, you wish you could just have more golden silence moments. And being pyschic, as I mentioned, I am and some of you said you are too.  Cool, maybe we can get together and have a premonition that I’m going to win the lottery. Dessert: Vegan GF Peanut Butter Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookies with Peanut Flour Questions

  1. How’s your week been going?  Anything new or exciting? To say my life has been full,  and full of “new and exiting things” is an understatement of epic proportions. The Blog Move and all the behind the scenes glitches that have come with it but that are mostly done.  It’s totally worth it for me to have moved.  I love blogging from Wordpress, I love my new blog, all of you seem happier with the page load times and layout, but just getting to this point has been “new and exciting”.   Like a new glitch around every corner. Remember that Wine & Whine Post.  Yeah. And work has been really busy for me. Of course, family life and being a mother, wife, head chef, lead dishwasher, and the best toilet bowl scrubber around keeps things “exciting”! Seriously though, it’s all good.  I’d rather have my life be full of exciting things and stay busy.
  2. What would you be more excited to find: Food or Other Things? It kind of depends on the food for me.  I would be more excited to find cookies than I would be to find my old CD collection from 2005. But I’d be more excited to find $10 bucks stashed in the pocket of jeans or a MAC lip gloss I forgot about I than I would be to find a bag of chips in the back of the cupboard.  Just being honest. Would you be more excited to find food or something else?  Or would it be a case-by-case basis?
  3. When it comes to gifts or shopping for yourself, do you prefer to buy one big really awesome thing, or many smaller (less expensive) things? Hard call because sometimes that one really big item is totally worth it. But other times I think, well would I really use, say a Kitchen Aid Stand mixer enough to justify buying one? Or, would I rather have 10 other smaller things like new coffee mugs, a new shirt from F21, restock my ‘good’ shampoo and conditioner, etc.  Because I could buy a lot of little things for the same price. But in the end, I would probably remember the Stand Mixer and the other things would be forgotten about. Are you of the One Big Ticket Item or the Spread it Around mentality?

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