comment icon 62 more comments I’ll be the first to admit it: I feel confused calling it chicken barbecue because in my mind that involves barbecue SAUCE and I’m a girl who loves my Sweet Baby Ray’s. But here, chicken barbecue is nothing more than perfectly grilled pieces of real chicken (no boneless-skinless-chicken-breasts here) in easy-to-eat skewer form. How seriously genius. For this, the skin stays on so the chicken meat gets nice and juicy, even though the outside is basically double-charred-crispy. Like literally, the uncle (like how it’s the uncle this time instead of the aunties? thank you very much sir!) who showed me how he was making this communicated that the first pan of chicken in this picture below was like a little resting pan for keeping the chicken after grilling it just once, and then the second pan was for when the chicken pieces that had been finished by putting them back on the grill… again. Grill, rest, grill. And it’s totally crispy and juicy and wonderful, especially with that skin. Thank you, Filipinos, for opening my eyes to the magic of chicken skin. So here’s chicken barbecue, CSC slash Filipino style, in pictures. Hop on over here for my post on Chicken Barbecue on the Children’s Shelter of Cebu website. And if you start thinking that I’ve forgotten about FRIED chicken, believe me you. I ate so much of that in my year in Cebu – there’s a full post on that a-comin. 4.7 from 9 reviews