comment icon 73 more comments Don’t get me wrong – I definitely eat both cake and ice cream. But if given the choice, I will choose cake. Preferably extra rich and chocolatey, with a thick layer of frosting. And if you want to get REALLY extra: rolled in chocolate chips (okay, maybe for another time). So on my birthday, I decided to treat myself to a little a lot of chocolate cake with buttercream frosting. The problem here is that I am not a very experienced cake maker. In addition, I admit that I have little to no experience in successfully frosting a double layer cake. But luckily, my frosting-loving taste buds coincide with my heavy-handed frosting abilities. So it was a Happy Birthday after all. Completely unrelated to double chocolate cake (or maybe not, considering all those calories), I ran a half marathon this weekend! That was fun. Now I’m ready to eat another double chocolate cake. Extra frosting, please.
Three More Favorite Chocolatey Desserts
It feels good to be able to run 13 miles. And it feels really good to eat chocolate cake. 4.2 from 19 reviews