And a new desk.  This is where the blogging action happens. I had previously purchased the chair from West Elm from about a year ago, but the pillow is new and pulls together the color scheme with with new duvet cover I got.   Keeps the cool wintery motif going and I love it!  Sadly my nightstand is on backorder so it will be a few weeks til that makes an appearance but I am grooving with my new room decor!!!  Skylar apparently loves the room, too!  She was so excited she took her pants off.  And put them back on inside out. I’m happy you were digging the 5 Minute Raw Vegan Oatmeal Raisin Cookies.  They are a snap to make and have no yucky ingredients in them so hopefully you’ll give them a whirl!  I wanted to thank everyone who writes me, either in the comments section or contacts me via email and tells me they’ve made a recipe of mine.  So far, everyone who’s tried a recipe of mine (today Abby just made one and a couple days ago Bekah did) has given me 100% positive feedback and success stories.  Yay!!!  It warms my heart and makes me feel like my work on the blog is productive when I know I am helping people create yummy food.  So thank you for making the recipes, and then getting back to me to tell me that you did.  Love it! So moving onto today’s eats… First I made another batch of Kale Chips.  Check the recipe here or here if you want to make a double-batch. Coating close-up pre Magic Box… …And after they came outta the Magic Box Super Thin-n-Crispy Almost a little too crispy.  I dehydrated them a little longer than I should have.  I forgot that the 95F, and 0 % humidity day was also at play.  Nature’s Way of speeding the dehydrating process along.  Note to self, get kale chips outta the box sooner when it’s uber-dry and hot out. But no worries, guess who begs me for kale chips?  This little girl.  Her palate isn’t quite sophisticated enough to know the difference if something’s a little over-dehydrated.  Nice. Some of you have asked what a vegetarian toddler eats?  Well here’s what mine ate for dinner: Cheese mini pizzas from TJ’s, carrots, orange bell peppers, half a tomato, raisins, & kale chips. And here’s what her vegan mother ate.  My Fresh Veggies Plates included:  Medley of greens, asparagus, B.S., orange peppers, and dressed with agave, OJ, and black pepper. Also worked on a massaged kale salad topped with brock, cauli, tomatoes, cukes, and Homemade Slaw Dressing And there was a little Brock Salad improvised with the addition of tomatoes, cauli, & orange peppers, dressed with Homemade Slaw Dressing The homemade slaw dressing not to be confused with this dressing that I finally picked up at WF.  Thanks for the hot tip Miss GC!  I scored two bottles.  I’m sure that’s nothing compared to your stash, though. Managed to not only score some of that Annie’s LowFat Honey Viniagrette, but also one of the elusive PB & J LaraBars.  I definitely enjoyed it!  It kinda reminds me in a way of the Raw Vegan Oatmeal Raisin Cookies I made, but with a PB vibe going on, too.  Skylar loves her Larabar action, too.  So for the roasted veggie vibe, I decided to get in on the Curly Fry Action. I spiralized a sweet potato, added some EVOO, S & P, and a scant Tbsp of ginger (dried powder) which I find is an awesome compliment to sweet potatoes. Roasted the curly fries in a 400F oven for about a half hour.  I have to say, that taking into consideration the cleaning of the spiralizer and struggling a bit with it to really hack through the rigidity of a raw sweet potato, although the curly fries were really tasty… ….they were not any better, and definitely not any easier, than just slicing sweet potatoes into fry shapes, coating with EVOO, S & P, and a dash of ginger, and roasting… ….and making sweet potato fries this way.  Now we’re talking!  Less work, just as tasty, works for me! Crunchy on the outside, soft & tender on the inside.  Good stuff.   So obviously after all these veggies, it was time to feast on a few Raw Vegan Oatmeal Raisin Cookies for dessert.  Ahhh. Yoga Today is Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) with my left leg up, then I allowed my left leg to fall over, and I looked underneath my left shoulder.  This really opens up the left-side of my body, stretches my lats, my shoulders, helps work on hip opening, and helps ground, lengthen and increase the flexibility of the right hamstrings.  Alison, this one’s for you mama. Tip of the Day: My Chia Seed GiveAway!!!!!  This contest has been smokin’ on fire, hope everyone who wants in has entered.  If you’re not already entered, go get your pretty self entered for a 3 Pound Bag of Chia Seeds!!!!!  What’s your fave winter fruit?  I try to eat locally & seasonally as much as possible, but I still enjoy fruit every day and at this time of year, it’s feeling kinda blah to me.  In my grocery there are tons of apples, a few beat up pears, pineapples, pomegranates (but they are too much work, sorry), and citrus fruits haven’t come in yet.  Kind of in no-man’s fruit land at the moment.  What are you eating in the fruit department these days?  Or better, what fall veggies are you loving?  Let me guess…squash anyone? Stay Tuned For a 5 Minute Raw Vegan Dark Chocolate Dessert…