I’ll give you three hints at what I created. Inspired by three of my favorite food categories. It had something to do with: Chocolate Recipes Flourless Chocolate Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies Peanut Butter Recipes Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies Balls/Bites/Bars Recipes High Raw Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls This recipe is sort of similar to what I created but not entirely No Bake Nutella & Peanut Butter Graham Bars with Chocolate Frosting
It sure was fun making a mess and taking out 17 different things out from my cupboards and then deciding what was going to go into the recipe
And what didn’t… Like most everything I make, it came from items I have in my pantry or what I happened to have on hand. Like Oreos! Why would I go buy something just to make a dessert? Yes, ok, I have. But I try not to. Questions:
- What have you created lately? Not even just created in the kitchen, but anything. Have you created any artwork, photography, sewing, music, poetry, writing, creative dance or yoga, created a shabby chic piece of furniture, done a DIY project of any kind, created anything from a wall mural to putting together an outfit that was pretty awesome? What’s been your latest creation? I am happy with the way our house and furniture came together in our new place. Making your living space a home and arranging your existing furniture and possibly pairing it with new pieces that complement the space so everything fits, works together, and doesn’t look like a complete hodgepodge I think is definitely an exercise in creativity. I know many of you just moved into new places because the school year just started so I bet you have some moving in and new-home-makeover-creation stories, too.
- What inspires your creativity in general? In the kitchen, some people are recipe followers. I am not. I am a recipe ad-libber. Doing it on the fly with what I have on hand. Tweaking the dough until I have it right in terms of texture, taste, consistency, authenticity, and the intended recipe goal. <– i.e. Sometimes I want to make cookies but the dough is too runny so I either have to add flour and then end up with way more cookies than I’d care to dollop onto cookie sheets, or just roll with the punches, change a few things up perhaps, and pour it all into a cake pan. In terms of my photography, I am constantly inspired by almost everything around me. I can be in really unique surroundings and be inspired and still want to take pictures. P.S. Thanks for the Healthy Snacks Giveaway Entries Enjoy your weekend and I hope you’re creating or doing something fun!