We! Love! Milk! And we love breakfast casseroles. This one is loaded with little golden flecks of potato, chili-spiced turkey that resembles sausage but healthier, fluffy eggs, milk, garlic-sauteed-spinach, and a handful of cheese – so there just is no other word but love. ❤️ You know when you find a brunch or breakfast recipe that just sings its song to you so nicely that you just can’t help but want to get up in the morning? How it’s borderline inappropriate but secretly awesome that you would even WANT to wake up solely for a food? That’s this. I mean, maybe I’m being too obvious here. Maybe it goes without saying bcz I’ve never known creamy potatoes, garlicky spinach, spicy turkey, and a few handfuls of cheese to do anything other than sing me a superhappy morning song. Bjork has been getting on kicks with healthy eating habits lately (more vegetables, more protein, no sugar, that kind of thing) whereas somehow I’ve been more likely get on kicks with just food in general (more breakfasts, more cheese at breakfast, more brunches, and a few more breakfasts). But him being on these kicks has been actually kind of amazing for me in that convicting-amazing kind of way because lately I see him eating all this protein and then realize that gosh, maybe I should be eating more protein. I mean, like, should I be eating more protein? And does this have protein in it? Yeah, I’m pretty sure I need more protein. Bjork is on to something with the protein thing because protein at breakfast helps start your day with energy and focus which is MUCH NEEDED round these parts to avoid the shiny objects that tempt me all day (well hi again, Facebook) – plus proteiny breakfasts like this one can help you stay fuller longer so you’re more likely to stick to a healthy eating routine. Win! 🎉 Experts now recommend getting 25-30 grams of protein at every meal including breakfast, and I can truly say that I do notice a difference in how I feel throughout the morning when I am intentional about not sugar-bombing my life with some of the usual breakfast suspects like pancakes and cinnamon rolls and… I’ll stop. But as if you needed any of that as motivation for this egg potato cheese spinach situation. I officially promise to right in this moment to never make/post food that is nutritious without actually being good-tasting, okay? I ate it, I loved it, I felt good that it was in line with my morning health goals, but friends. This is just good. I have a few ideas for when you could make this:

tomorrow morning: it’s quick! prep the stuff ahead of time and just keep it in the fridge till the next morning!tomorrow night: BRINNER IS A REAL THING THAT YOU NEED.day before Thanksgiving: bonus healthy person points that you can then redeem during the holiday meal. Just an idea.the morning of Black Friday: pre-or-post shopping depending on what level of extreme you are.the morning of the first snow: this is the moment where I pause to say how much I love MinnesotaChristmas Eve morning: because what the heck does a person even make on Christmas Eve morning?Post-Christmas: time to protein-up for the healthy new year.

General message being that I hope sometimes very soon (!) you enjoy a happy breakfast with this breakfast casserole, an 8 ounce glass of milk (adds an extra 8g protein like a boss), a coffee for the vibes, and the snuggliest blanket. If you have a fireplace to round out this scene, you win at life. Today’s post has been sponsored by Milk Life. 🐄 4.5 from 8 reviews

Creamy Spinach and Potato Breakfast Casserole Recipe - 70Creamy Spinach and Potato Breakfast Casserole Recipe - 22Creamy Spinach and Potato Breakfast Casserole Recipe - 40Creamy Spinach and Potato Breakfast Casserole Recipe - 30Creamy Spinach and Potato Breakfast Casserole Recipe - 99Creamy Spinach and Potato Breakfast Casserole Recipe - 17Creamy Spinach and Potato Breakfast Casserole Recipe - 52Creamy Spinach and Potato Breakfast Casserole Recipe - 37